Animal experimentation has become very a controversial topic in the United States of America today. In many countries it is still legal to poison, blind, and kill animals for cosmetic uses. While many of the experiments conducted on animals today is required by law, most of it is not. In fact, many countries have placed bans on the testing of certain products on animals. Thousands of animals every day are euthanized owed to animal testing. Due to of the care that animals are enduring, people debate whether animal testing should be implemented at all. Some people believe that animal testing is beneficial in many ways. The people that see animal testing as beneficial say that without animals, medical developments and the military would not be …show more content…
According to, "Chimpanzees share 99% of their DNA with humans, and mice are 98% genetically similar to humans" (Should Animals Be Used for Scientific or Commercial Testing?) Animals can develop the same diseases as humans for example, animals can develop almost every type of cancer that humans can become ill with. The number one killer in America is Heart Disease. "Heart disease and related conditions affect fifty-two million Americans and cost our nation $274 billion dollars a year. “These conditions are the number one killers of men, women, and children." (American Physiological Society). Due to the testing of medicines on animals, the death rate has decline enormously. With the tests conducted on animals many treatments and preventions were made. The second highest killer in America is HIV/AIDS, today in America nearly one million citizens have been diagnosed. "There are treatments but still no cure for this disease that cripples the immune system and is fatal in all but a handful of cases." (APS). Researchers are working hard to find a cure. The virus is being tested in chickens, cats, and monkeys. The most favorable drugs and possible vaccines are first tested in mice and monkeys before being used in clinical trials with human volunteers who have the virus and are usually close to death. Coming in as the third highest killer in the United States is Cancer. "Treatment of 100 kinds of cancer costs our nation an estimated $107 billion dollars a year... In the 1930s, less than one cancer victim in five survived for five years. Today, almost half the people diagnosed with cancer will live at least five years, and some never have a recurrence of their disease. There are 8 million Americans alive today who have had cancer." (APS) When cancer infects the body, it invade the healthy cells killing them and multiplying more and more of the diseased cancerous cells. Chickens were proved
For many years, the field of science has used animals in medical experiments worldwide, because of this innocent animals are being killed everyday. They are being tested with new drugs, new treatments, and by many makeup companies. Connecticut recently celebrated the passage of the “Beagle Freedom Law”, a law that requires laboratories to work with charities and rescue groups to find homes for research cats and dogs. Animals are being tested so humans do not have to be but animal tests do not reliably predict results in human beings, although animals are the closest thing to humans. Most experiments involving animals are flawed, wasting the lives of innocent animal subjects. Over 100 million animals suffer a year from testing. Testing animals is a lot more expensive than alternative methods and it is wasting government research dollars. Animal testing is not only a bad idea, but it is also inhuman and it should not be tolerated. The FDA should stop allowing animal testing. An animal does not give out the same results on a test than a human would.
The major pro fo animals testing is that it aids researchers in finding drugs and treatments to improve health and medicine . Many medical treatments have been made posiible by animal testing . research involving laboratory animals at UCLA leads to many medical breakthoughts that improve peoples lives and hold promise fo additional improvements in treatments and cures . Example : Breast cancer : the UCLA studies utilizing mice were the basis for human clinical trials in patients with breast cancer . The first cancer fighting drug successfully target a specific genetis alteration, thereby limiting side effects such as hairloss and nause that often accompany conventional therapies . Mouse models
There are over 26 million different types of animal being tested on for research each year in the United States. Animals are used for testing every year for human research. Different animals go through serious pain, in order for humans to facilitate growth in different fields of study. Many animals are used in order to study diseases and potential cures for the diseases. New research chemicals are tested on animals with similar structures to humans, to see if the medicine can help with certain diseases. Tons of scientific advancement has taken place because of animal testing. Without animal testing, many diseases would still exist, without a safe way to test for potential cures. The issue at hand is the type of treatment that animals have to endure because of the different testing methods. They are treated very poorly, go through intense suffering, and normally have very poor living conditions. A pro to animal testing is that many cures and different medicines have been developed through animal testing. Without animal testing, many diseases would still exist without cures. Secondly, animals have a much shorter life span than humans do, so scientists can study the results through the whole life span of the animal. With humans, it is hard to do a full test because we have such high lifespans, while animals tend to live a lot less longer. Thirdly, many animals have been saved because of animal testing. Many diseases animals deal with now have vaccines and cures, as a result of animal testing. Without it, many animals would have rabies or other types of virus that can be detrimental to the animal’s health. On the contrary, a con to animal testing would be the pain many animals go through as a result of the testing. The tests are experimental, so we don’t know exactly what the chemical drug will do to the animal. Many cases have turned bad and many animals have died as a result, or gone through extensive pain. Next, there are many alternative methods of experimental testing that doesn’t require animals. As a result, why are we still using animals for testing when there are other ways to do it. Finally, animals are different from humans, so they make poor testing subjects. We can’t know for sure how the research
There is a moral imperative to diminish suffering in all sentient beings, but when difficult choices have to be made, human suffering has to come first…” (Juan Carlos Marvin, 2015)
There is much debate over whether animal testing should be allowed or not. Some people think that it is not essential to sacrifice animals for human benefits because they are being abused and tortured severely during experiments. Some others who stand against animal testing claim that humans eliminate many lives on earth in order to safe humans’ lives, so there is no justice because even animals have the right to live on earth, yet these people do not consider the truth that animals are being used in the food industry or in the laboratories. Thus, if someone asks how many animals are being used in the laboratory experiments around the world every year, who can give an accurate answer? It can be one, ten, or fifty million. It is difficult to find the exact figure on this question because people only read news through mass media such as having a new vaccine which can help human avoid uterus cancer or a new medicine help humans cure strokes, but they also need to know how many lives of the animals would have to take in order to get theses vaccines. Therefore, some organizes think that animal testing is one of the most disturbing experiments ever, and it should be banned. Despite many controversies with opposing opinions, a compromise can be made in order to reduce the use of animals in the laboratory experiments.
In discussion of animal rights, one controversial issue has been whether or not animals should be use for medical testing. On the one hand, some scientists argue that animal testing has contributed for many cures and treatments. On the other hand, animal rights activist contends that alternative methods now exist that can replace the need for animals. Others even maintain that animal testing is an essential part in medical research. My own view is that animals should not be used in medical testing because is no longer necessary now there are methods that are safer and have better results than animals do.
Mohandas K. Gandhi once said, “The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated”. What, then, does it say about the people of the United States, for allowing the deaths of millions of innocent animals for the benefit of research, that in most cases is not even useful? 100 million animals are killed each year due to animal testing or experimentation (PETA,1). In the past, it was acceptable to use animal testing for scientific research, but now that there are other viable alternatives to the testing of innocent animals, such as in-vitro, stem cell testing, non-incasing imaging techniques, and micro-dosing. Animal testing should only be used in cases where said drug or treatment will treat life-threatening diseases. Animal testing in this day and age is both unnecessary and cruel, as there are multiple alternatives and the most of the time is not useful in human research.
Animal testing has become a controversial issue among many people in the world today. Some of these people involved in this controversial debate believe that animal testing is unethical and should be replaced by other methods. The other group of people in this debate believe that animal testing is necessary in order to research new products that cannot be tested on humans. Traditional animal testing forces animals to undergo numerous experiments for different forms of research. Medical, cosmetic, and many other types of research experiments use animals to provide the results on how the new product may affect humans. There are many people that support the use of alternative methods to animal research and then
Humankind would not be developed and improved without advancement of biosciences and technology. Besides many aspects of life that scientists are working on researching to provide a high-quality life for human beings, public health is one of the main areas. As a matter of fact, scientists have conducted a number of experiments to evaluate side effects of new medicines. As a result, animals are the top testing samples which have brought into many controversies for years about using testing them for scientific purpose. In this essay, the idea of supporting this practice will argue reasons why scientists should use animals for testing.
Nowadays, human discovers a cure for incurable diseases and we can see people who conquer an incurable disease such as cancer or dementia. In addition, major cosmetics companies are trying to develop effective skin treatment cosmetics for a cure to a skin disease. These kinds of experiments are done in a laboratory with animal-testing, medical worlds and many major cosmetics are claiming that with this kind of biological animal testing is the most effective ways to discover a cure for terminal illnesses or a preliminary inspection for find a side effect of new cosmetics. In addition, the world of medical insists that when doctors’ experiments for a long lifespan disease, they cannot do with long lifespan animals, and doctors doing their experiments with short lifespan animals such as mouse. With these animals, they can easily draw a conclusion for biological responsiveness. Despite of many negative sides, animal testing has positive sides in terms of medical and commercial aspects.
What comes to mind when thinking about animal experimentation? Thoughts of innocent, lovable animals being stabbed with sharp needles? Well, that is not exactly the case, as animal experimentation plays a very important role in human health today. However, the idea of animals testing has become quite a controversial topic. Over the past few decades, there has been an extensive debate over the use of animals in medical and product testing. The majority of people seem to think that it is an unnecessary measure. Protests, threats, and even property damage has occurred because of the dispute between the two sides of this debate. A good majority of these protesters are unaware of the benefits animal testing brings to the human race, as well as
Animal testing is essential for developing lifesaving treatments. Due to experiments on animals we have treatments for diabetics, tuberculosis, breast cancer, malaria and brain injuries. Immunizations against mumps, polio, and hepatitis has saved a countless number of lives thanks to the discovery of new drugs. Roughly ninety-five percent of all lab animals are special-bred mice and rats. The balance of animals that are tested on is rabbits, guinea pigs, sheep, pigs, and fruit flies. Rodents are considered the number one choice for modern medical researchers because they have a short life span. They choose animals that have a life span of two to three years because that allows the scientists to observe what happens during the “fast forward” stage. Six out of the eight major discoveries were recognized with Nobel Prizes, some of which involve the bone-marrow transplant, cloning of genes, and the detection of proto-oncogenes in normal DNA. The essential need for animal research and observation is supported by health agencies and medical associations around the world.
It is not morally right for humans to test unnecessary products on animals. I am positive that America find faster more reliable and less expensive ways to test products. Some countries already have, in Great Britain it is illegal for medical students to practice surgery on animals. In the EU products tested on animals, doesn’t matter where the testing happened, won’t be sold. Testing products on an animal to see if it will work on a human is like trying to find your way around California with a map of New York. It is true that both states both have buildings and roads, but they are different buildings, different roads with different laws and traffic codes. The differences between us and animals prevent the data tested on animals from being
Animal testing is an extremely controversial topic because it deals with delicate matters and matters of humanity. Animal testing is intended to help consumers buy safe and healthy products, but they are torturing innocent animals by doing so. People that are in favor of animal testing usually are also advocates for medical research and progress, though there have been other proven methods of research. But they don’t think of it as tormenting and killing animals. On the other hand, a lot of people are compassionate about animals and think that testing on them is inhumane. These advocates of the animals think that an animal’s safety should be put
Observation and experimentation are how we as humans have been able to learn more about ourselves and the world and universe we live in. One of the most common methods of experimentation is animal testing. However, there are controversies surrounding animal testing. There are some that believe animal testing to be cruel and overdone, advocating for the eradication of the practice and further reliance alternative research methods. Groups like People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) and other animal rights advocates fall in this category. There are some that believe animal testing to be an invaluable resource and should continue, such as some scientists and research groups. However, there appears to me to be a consensus that is closer to the middle: the belief and understanding that while there are benefits to animal testing, there are flaws in the practice and there should be changes to increase its efficacy while we simultaneously explore alternate testing methods. Many scientists and the National Institute of Health (NIH) subscribe to this idea. I aim to explore the benefits, problems, and implications of animal testing in order to reach a more informed conclusion about a position that is most validated by the information I have used.