Schools, parents and students have debated over school uniforms since the past decade. School uniforms can make the school better in many ways. It can improve graduation and attendance rates. Lessen gang violence and economic differences between the students. School uniforms can even improve students discipline and behavior for the better. It can also show a great sense of school spirit. First of all, if school uniforms were implemented there would be higher graduation and attendance rates. It would also decrease gang violence. More students are inclined to show up to school if they wear a school uniform. There is less gang violence because the students in gangs are not representing their color but they are representing the school with their
Since the 1990s, the practice of having public school students wear uniforms--like their private school peers--has been credited with some amazing results. School uniforms, proponents have said, can lead to improved discipline and classroom behavior, increased school attendance, respect for teachers, better school performance, higher student self-esteem and confidence, lower clothing costs, promotion of group spirit,
According to Marian Wilde, who writes for GreatSchools¸ uniforms prevent gangs from forming on campus and encourage discipline (Wilde). Even Virginia Ann Bendel Draa, who wrote School Uniforms in Urban Public High Schools, said that school uniforms reduced the amount of suspensions in the school she did the study with (Draa). School Uniforms will create a safer school environment for kids because the students are less likely to get into trouble when at school while wearing school uniforms. Safer schools equals safer children. While having security guards at schools help prevent violence, they do not get rid of violence completely. Schools uniforms also decrease the amount of bullying because bullying can be triggered by many things like not having fashionable clothes (Armerding). School uniforms take away the
As the years pass, many students have been bullied, a bully, or they just hate school and this was affecting their lives academically. School boards tried to find a way to improve the way students feel about themselves and about school, and they came up with the idea of school uniforms. School uniforms have been associated with just the Catholic school, but are now showing up in public schools across the country. According to the National Center for Education Statistics: Indicators of School Crime and Safety, 2011, twenty-one states require students to wear uniforms in the public school system (Pros and Cons of School Uniforms Statistics). This has seemed to work tremendously in the school system. In education, school uniforms assist with student success, academically, socially, and personally.
On the one hand, school uniforms create a school community, making everyone look alike whether if they come from different backgrounds, which reduce bullying over poor-looking students, competition over choices of fashion and peer pressure. School uniforms also represent each school, making them look unique and increase pride in their community.
School uniforms are good because of some studies have shown a connection between uniforms and better attendance and graduation rates. One study in 2010 showed that uniforms improved test scores and attendance for students, especially for girls(Wilde). School uniforms are good because then no one can be bullied for different clothing. There have been less amounts of bullying in schools because of school uniforms. Public schools should require uniforms. Some families can't afford new clothes. But with
School uniform is a widely discussed topic by the youth as well as parents and teachers in the governing board. There are many benefits to school uniform but there are also many downsides that could affect students in the long-term.
According to 2010 peer-review study, schools with mandatory uniform policies had a decrease in firearm related, drug related, and sexual violence than schools without uniforms. School uniforms reduce the amount of money your parents have to spend on school cloths, and reduce the amount of tardy students that are tardy because they have to get ready. Schools should have school uniforms.
Having school uniforms can help the way schools are, if there were school uniforms students wouldn’t judge others on how they are dressed. Students would be equal . Everyone would dress the same, there would be less bullying. There wouldn’t be any more dress code, also it is not fair that boys can wear sleeveless shirts and girls can’t. I am a girl and i don’t like showing off any of my body parts but there are some girls that
School uniforms should definitely be used in school systems. Uniforms are both good for schools as well as for the students. Wearing uniforms will help build a sense of unity within the school. Instead of everyone as a separate team, everyone will be in the same team. Wearing uniforms will help free students of the stress of what to wear in the morning. Wearing school uniforms will help improve student individuality and improve their self-esteem.
First, school uniforms would enhance school pride, unity, and community spirit by making everyone feel like they belong and fit in with their school. Throughout the school, teachers would increase their level of caring, respect, and trust of students. Additionally students would feel important and as if they are a part of a team by wearing a uniform.
Another thing that schools have seen changes in is violence in school such as: Long Beach, California, drew national attention as the first public-school district to adopt mandatory school uniforms. After just one year, dramatic decreases in violence and discipline problems, as well as higher test scores, were reported (Wilkins). Students are less prone to bullying and violence and also perform better at school when they are not judged by what they are wearing and making a better school environment. Theft is a big problem in many schools around America, introducing school uniforms would help decrease theft from students by other students. For example, if someone wore a nice, expensive jacket to school and it got stolen from them by another student then this would be an issue, having school uniforms would help to demolish theft from school.
The implication of school uniforms on the public school system would make a dramatic positive change for the students now and in the future. Currently the public school system allows casual dress code attire throughout the United States. Differing from private school institutions, where uniforms are mandatory. School uniforms are beneficial to the students and to the parents of these students. Secondly, uniforms provide structure and unity within the schools. Lastly, school uniforms make the environment in which the students conduct in for approximately 6 – 7 hrs. of their day a safer
It has been observed that the adoption of school uniform policies can promote school safety, improve discipline, and enhance the learning environment. The potential benefits of school uniforms include decreasing violence and theft.
School uniforms are used in many schools to provide an atmosphere of uniformity among the students. Wearing school uniforms also makes the atmosphere more businesslike by giving a better approach to learning. The uniforms give fewer distractions, and save a lot of money for parents.
Introduction: Allowing school uniforms into an educational environment, whether it be a college, university, or elementary, or high school setting would be a benefit to the entire institution. In short, uniforms have many positive benefits: preventing violence, reducing replacements if needed, and it would also be less of a distraction to other students in class. The use of uniforms many violate student rights in numerous ways. As a whole uniforms are very beneficial, because they eliminate violence, are easier to replace, and would make dress codes easier to enforce, giving the school a professional appearance.