
Essay about Problem Solution: InterClean, Inc.

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Problem Solution: InterClean, Inc. In the following paragraphs we will discuss the InterClean, Inc. scenario and propose a solution to help InterClean, Inc.. InterClean, Inc. is making decisions that will affect the state of the company and could set them apart from their competition. They will have to look at the risks associated with these decisions and make sure that they find the best solution to make sure that the risks associated with this solution don’t outweigh the benefits of this solution. Situation Analysis Issue and Opportunity Identification InterClean, Inc. has made the decision to move to a solutions/selling model in order to compete in a new market and offer full-range service packages. With this decision, the …show more content…

In addition to this task they have to help plan these types of organizational changes. First and foremost, HR has to do what is best for the company as a whole, but at the same time HR has to take care of the employees. The suppliers for InterClean want to maintain its working relationship, but also want to make sure they are a part of the new direction and can still sell their product. Problem Statement InterClean, Inc. goal is to become an industry leader in providing high-quality, full-range service packages to the institutional, industrial, and sanitation industries. End-State Vision InterClean, Inc. will be the first company to introduce all-inclusive full-service solutions packages domestically and worldwide. End-State Goals 1. To train the sales force to be an excellent solutions-based selling team. 2. To keep employee morale up and retain key employees during the transition. 3. To have a painless transition into the new direction of the company. Alternative Solutions 1. InterClean will offer training and development to remaining employees and managers during and after the merger to ensure success. 2. InterClean will offer outplacement services and severance packages to all employees that were let go due to the merger. 3. InterClean will offer incentives to key employees to stay with the company throughout out the reorganization process and merger. 4. InterClean will put

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