
Problem Solving Research Paper

Decent Essays

Why does the author state that problem solving is the most natural, complex, and meaningful kind of learning/thinking activity? Do you agree or disagree? Explain.
I agree working among my peers supports collaborative interaction. In our professional development meetings we are engaged by creating multiple strategies of supporting each other for planning lessons. Utilizing problem solving tools will show our students how to become problem solvers too. The author Reiser, R. & Dempsey, J. (2012) “stated the importance of emerging more understanding conversations for conceptual learning. Students will be able to regulate their emotions and behaviors then seek out to others when needed. Making real world connections between conversations and real life experiences.” Reiser, R. & Dempsey, J. (2012)

What other characteristics of the learning process and learning environment do can you envision for a …show more content…

Include examples not given in the chapter. In what ways might it make it more difficult?

Some ways for technology to become easier the author states McCombs, B., & Whisler, J. S. (1997) “on post-industrial instruction gives a outlook that focus on individual learners interests or talents with focusing on learning how it happens and the way teaching practices are most successful in promoting the most achieving levels of learning, and motivation for all learners.” McCombs, B., & Whisler, J. S. (1997). For example we are always having fun events where students are able to display their talents showing their learning abilities such as Spelling Bee, Math Night, and Literacy Night. Before the events students are integrating technology supporting and proving students to reach their goals in achieving many skills.

Describe your motivations for taking this course and indicate which ones are the most compelling. What are some techniques you use to maintain

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