
Problems Faced By Nigeria And Its Effects On The Health Sector

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Most of the African countries are third world countries and, therefore, they have not fully developed. Nonetheless, Nigeria was able to sustain its enormous population through the various economic activities that continued to increase her GDP. Oil had consistently become a foreign earner in the country, thereby resulting in an upsurge in the economic growth. However, Nigeria also faced numerous challenges, thereby pulling it behind in terms of socio-economic developments. Some of the challenges prevalent in the country included HIV, malaria, inadequate health personnel, low expectancy rate and high infant mortality rates. Therefore, it was imperative for the Nigerian government to address the issues in order to improve the living …show more content…

The overreliance on the traditional medicine had augmented the disease rates. The failure to seek professional healthcare resulted in an increase in the contagious diseases, maternal and nutrition diseases. Therefore, massive campaigns by the health professionals would help in the increase of awareness in the health sector . The government needed to make the healthcare facilities accessible and affordable by the citizenry. Many Nigerians lived in abject poverty hence could not access quality healthcare. The government, therefore, had a responsibility to guarantee accessible healthcare facilities by providing adequate personnel and drugs. Maternal deaths were very high in the country as research indicated that 59, 000 deaths occurred annually among pregnant women and during childbirth. The deaths were attributed to lack of or inadequacy of maternal health facilities that resulted to most women giving birth at the homes without the proper medical care.
The communicable diseases were also widespread in Nigeria. Most of the common water borne diseases was cholera, typhoid and malaria. The lack of safe water for consumption increased the communicable rates because half of the population did not have access to clean water. The high cost of treatment barred most patients from visiting the health centers . In addition, the emergence of

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