
Rationale. There Is An Array Of Literature On Female Genital

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There is an array of literature on female genital mutilation/circumcision (FGMC) with strong emphasis on its complications especially in pregnancy and childbirth (WHO, 2008; Khamsi, 2006; Momoh, 2005, Okunofa, 2002). On the contrary, no trial study has been conducted to improve the outcome and experiences of women with genital mutilation during pregnancy and childbirth (Balogun et al., 2013). Unavailability of these studies may be related to stigma and cultural beliefs which would have otherwise reduced the problem of ethically appropriate care in pregnancy (Balogun et al., 2013). In the most parts of Africa where FGMC is common, Nigeria (of particular interest to the author) has a prevalence rate of 25% (UNICEF, 2014). The …show more content…

It is for this reason that the author has taken a keen interest in the activities and responsibilities of professionals (and pregnant women) during normal labour and childbirth of the cohort. Based on practice and personal experiences in many health centers in Nigeria, normal birth has been associated with induction of labour (IOL), augmentation of labour, artificial rupture of membrane (ARM), episiotomy and an array of interventions in so far as the woman births a live baby and both are well after delivery. It would be worth it to explore the concept of normal birth as it applies to care of women in this group. This topic has also been partly informed by learning from the empowering midwifery as well as the evidence for social health modules. Both have inspired a new philosophy of advocacy for women to achieve the kind of birth they so desire based on best evidence with the hope that Nigeria can eventually share and adopt the same.
Aims and objectives
The broad aim of the study is to identify the kind of care offered to women with FGMC in labour and to determine if this care is accommodated by the boundaries and limits given in the concept of normal birth. With a critical review methodology, literatures around perinatal care of women with FGMC would be reviewed and critiqued. The objectives that would be covered include:
1. Do women with FGMC have any preference for the kind of care they receive during the perinatal period?
2. Does the

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