Problems, needs and demands require solutions. Healthcare has long been an industry that has been challenged in immeasurable ways to be effectively and efficiently responsive to patient, clinical, and medical problems, needs and demands. The challenges healthcare providers and professionals face today are only growing, but big data is providing solutions that are improving healthcare services and patient health. Future healthcare cost projections are nothing short of depressing. The general life expectancy of the population is higher now than in years past, because we live among generations of people who have come to appreciate and desirously pursue slowing down aging and fighting disease. By year 2020, the US population is expected to …show more content…
But, There is Much More to Big Data The application of big data is not limited to the aforementioned. Patient data is collected in volume that can encompass lengthy medical history for any given person. That data serves as a tremendous force in supporting hospitals, pharmaceutical companies, medical research labs and insurance companies. Reason being, the data could have connection to diseases, treatments, and even supply and equipment requirements or expenses. Analysis have shown that information about any genetic factors, the probability of genetics affecting patient health, validation of whether medications are legitimately improving patient health status after prognosis, or discovery that there are implications for an ethnic group can be discovered (Weber, 2016). A huge advantage that stands to be gained with big data is that a unified approach to healthcare can be formulated. This has not traditionally been a common practice, as institutions have distinct characteristics and usually only shared information based doctor’s request and patient consent. Connected healthcare implies doctors could work together to find solutions with open access and data sharing. Traditional barriers would be broken and management teams from different healthcare organizations are able to share information and knowledge about best practices, improvement strategies and new
Life expectancy has increased over the last century. With this greater survival rate, there needs to be an increase in the rate of spending for Medicare. Despite what one does to improve their health behavior, the need for medical care cultivates as one ages. This need will continue to increase significantly as medicine continues to modernize.
The problem of rising healthcare costs is to be addressed because of its nation-wide significance. Predictions given by economic analyst suggest that funding for Medicare will run out of money and will not be operate-able by the year 2024 if government remains the major payer for healthcare and the costs of Medicare continue to rise. Government will not be able to continue financing the healthcare system on its own (Gersh, 2011).
Healthcare stakeholders know how to value what they have captured and they have come up with many ideas to help with their goal. “Big data could transform the healthcare sector, but the industry must undergo fundamental changes before stakeholders can capture its full value” (Kayyali, B., Knott, D., Van Kuiken, S., 2013). Since the affordable care act has been in place there has been an increase number of patients seeking preventative care or even seeking help for chronic illnesses that they weren’t seen for because of lack of insurance. Because of that, there has been a shortage of physicians, nurses and other healthcare providers. So the stakeholders have another challenge on their hands in trying to hire more doctors and nurses to help with the increase of patients.
An additional component of healthcare is data. This is important because this allows health professionals to gather and analyze information to complete the task at hand the best way possible. This would allow doctors and nurses to be able to treat patients the most efficient way while trying to keep cost relatively low at the same time. Moreover, if the health
1) Big Data in Health Care via EHR: - Big data in healthcare comprises of 4 major components: - a) Volume of Data b) Variety of Data c) Velocity of Data flow and d) Veracity of Data. Big Data represents the tools, processes and procedures
It is no secret that healthcare spending in the U.S. is spiraling out of control. According to the Commonwealth Fund, The U.S. spends an “average of $9,086 per person annually, and life expectancy was 78.8 years.” (The Commonwealth Fund, 2015). While 78 years may seem like an excellent life span, it pales in comparison to other developed countries.
With the growing ability of organizations to capture and analyze large batches of data, there are ever-increasing possibilities for the development of healthcare studies utilizing Big Data’s promise of advancement in data processing. These tools can benefit the field of healthcare by treating data as an asset to be managed, as well as providing new insights into genomic development of large populations that were previously not fathomable. The health care industry is one sector of the economy where data analysis presents great opportunities for improvement in the quality of services provided, but with these possibilities come great challenges in collecting, utilizing, and education the next generation of data stewards, and the NIH is sure to look to global models for data quality in carrying out their new directive.
Researcher believe that the availability of big data will be of great impact especially in the medical field. They believe that when medical records are easily available to Doctors, doctors will be able to provide immediate diagnosis and medical treatment to their patients. Using this data is a great benefit to Doctors because they can look up prior successful treatment from other patients to help treat new patient. The challenge Doctors may encounter with so much information is that they may become overwhelmed and incorrectly delays treatment or not provide treatment to their patients. Also, the searchable information can be misleading or misunderstood by the medical provider and he or she based on the searchable information can incorrectly providing the same treatment to all the patient with the same
Health informatics has successfully captured the attention of clinical and public health leaders around the nation as they realize its potential to solve problems, cut cost and enhance patient experience. As discussed in class, The American Reinvestment and Recovery Act (ARRA) of 2009 initiated a program designed to equip hospitals and medical practices around the country with electronic health record systems. Known as the Meaningful Use program, it has provided financial encouragements to health care organizations to install these computerized systems. This act has resulted in a huge increase of electronic health records (EHR) companies and has generated countless jobs for healthcare data analysts and related IT positions.
The company is a medical reimbursement company that deals with patients’ personal information from social security, to medical history and banking information. As technology in the healthcare field continues to expand, we have begun to use more big data to store all our patient personal health records and our employees’ personal records. Maintenance and processing of various and high volume data have created the “Big Data” challenge. As Gartner (2015) said: “Big Data is high-volume, -velocity and -variety information assets that demand cost-effective, innovative forms of information processing for enhanced insight and decision making” [6]. Under the Health Insurance Portability and Accountable Act (HIPAA) laws, the healthcare industry is privy and held to a very high standard to protect and keep all patients’ personal information private, safe and secured; Digitalization and accumulation large healthcare data provides great potential for healthcare data. The key to the best patient-centric, evidence-base and accountability care is delivered through big data in healthcare (Yang, Li, Wang, Chen, Wu, Wang, Pan and Mulder 2015). There are still many healthcare challenges that need to be addressed to help enhance healthcare services. With cloud computing in healthcare, the company is one step closer to lowering their operational cost and eliminating the use of hardware and software to store data. With all the company’s data stored on networks, servers and applications it makes it easier for the data to be accessible any part of the world. Some of the advantages of cloud computing includes availability, performance and load balancing (Malekabadi, Javan & Akbari 2015). When all of the company’s data is stored on the networks and computed, it is taken by Iron Mountain and stored in a remote location. With the continued growth of innovative technology cloud computing will continue to
Data is one of the most valuable assets in any healthcare organization. The adoption and use of EHR systems makes it possible to collect, store, and analyze more data than ever before. Through the use of analytical tools this data is being turned into meaningful and qualitative information with which to support the clinical, operational, and financial decisions of the healthcare facility. The process of organizing and managing data so as to drive quality improvement efforts and business development within the healthcare industry is known as healthcare informatics. The article, Making Data Smart: Practical informatics is helping transform data into health intelligence, and now moving into day-to-day HIM work, by Mark Crawford, details how the HIM professional can utilize the emerging EHR applications and technologies to support health informatics and streamline workflows, improve quality care, and reduce expenditures.
Big data is an interesting concept, in which people use data to analyze trends, patterns, and associations and make use of these revelations to predict outcomes. You are using data every day that is being recorded to identify people’s desires and requests, and more specifically your desires and requests. Big data is used in retail, government, healthcare, car companies, and education, basically everywhere. Big data can allow for great advancements and prevention in all aspects of life, more specifically in healthcare. Big data is important to healthcare, because it can allow professionals to identify who has a greater risk of a disease and thus allows early detection and prevention. It allows tracking which medicine is more effective than the other. It allows for healthcare providers to have better records and accuracy in each and every patient. Big data is important to healthcare and here is why.
The healthcare system plays a key role in the economic stability of our country, as every year trillions are spent in attempt to combat disease and health issues that plaque humanity. As it makes up a significant amount of the expenditures in the economy, so the costs associated with health care of those in pain from illness and injury, including lost productivity, increased need of assistance in living and also the cost of death in some cases, is important to the economic stability and over all standard of living in our country. The key to economic prosperity is balancing the need for care with the costs of illness to keep as many people healthy and well without breaking the bank of collective society. The costs of healthcare have been increasingly problematic in recent years with so many issues surrounding the current system. With the “total health care spending in the United States expected to reach $4.8 trillion in 2021, up from $2.6 trillion in 2010 and $75 billion in 1970, meaning that health care spending will account for nearly 20 percent of gross domestic product (GDP), or one-fifth of the U.S. economy, by 2021” (Aetna). With this in mind it is apparent that as we look at the trillion-dollar industry of the medical community it seems that it needs to be a major focus of our nation as a whole and with the many issues come many creative solutions. First let us analyze the reasons behind the current cost and the major problems facing this industry and than discus what
As we know, for delivering good qualitative service in healthcare industry, data plays an important role. So it’s necessary to understand the fact that the big data must be used in a right way to make health service industries successful. For managing and analysing the big data it’s important to have a good knowledge about the healthcare data complexity, framework, technologies for “big data analytics in healthcare industries”.
Also, ‘big data’ analytics and aggregated patient data may be able to alert providers to larger health trends such as potential outbreaks and which flu strains are prominent during each flu season.