
Process Essay-Let's Talk Taxes

Decent Essays

Let’s talk taxes; it might hurt, so ……. Note: I was going to say: “man up” but decided to omit this cliché because: 1) many people are confused as to what message the cliché is transmitting; 2) the sheer redundancy of a cliché often renders empty meanings; 3) Single words and cut-off phrases uttered with-out any regard to the audience, and then the rest of the unthinking population repeating willy nelly again and again these empty word/phrases; well, they soon become inappropriate, ill-informed, unwanted and useless jargon. Therefore: I’m going to start over and proceed with ameliorate words to convey this message: Let’s talk taxes; it might hurt, so, not to worry, I’ll share a follow facts with you! There, isn’t this better? Now I have included everyone; woman, men, boys and girls! Something to ponder: I know most …show more content…

Today the service industry is reaching 90% of the (GNP) Gross National Product. But these three letters puzzle me (GNP). Fact: a service when offered is not an item made from raw material or recycled items. A product manufactured from raw materials, such as a tree, is processed in someone’s garage or furniture factory into something the consumer can purchase, like a chair. In the olden days, housewives cut up worn-out clothes and made quilts. On-the-other-hand, today’s Service Industry offers an ever-growing assortment, for instance: a dentist cleaning teeth; the busboy clearing the dishes; private school teachers; cable television linemen; the court stenographer recording your case; the ever-popular dating web sites; the doctor taking out your appendix; the water taxi in the marina and so on. In our free economy, the sale of products creates profits where services create wealth. Author: ‘There is a cliché circulating around town: money is at the root of all evil!’ Reader: ‘So?’ Author: ‘Money doesn’t motivate me, I volunteer as often as I can, she says with a

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