According to Robertson & Dressler (2010), it is important to “develop this tool from the start because this will ensure that you comprehend what you currently meet and need” (p. 212). I will use the Self-Study Planning and Progress Checklist along with the Evidence Collection. Based on the suggestion from the Document or Evidence Collection resource I also plan to use a file box with file folders labeled to organize the documents. These tools contribute to my examination of quality by allowing me to organize, the evidence I gather regarding children’s assessments and social-emotional development. For instance, I will review the programs behavior incident report, staff development file, DRDP group report, and ASQ-SE. Also, I will gather …show more content…
I will collect the information and place it in a file cabinet with each folder labeled. Once, I have all the data collected I will ensure that it is collected in a timely manner. For instance, I will gather this information quarterly to ensure that we assess the program in different times of the year. I understand that some of the assessment tools will not be completed quarterly, but I would like to see information regarding their assessment process. Also, I would like to ensure that the program is successfully completing any follow-up services that are …show more content…
What tool do you use to evaluate your program? This question will help me learn about the tool being used and the benefits of this tool. What do you do with the information gathered? I want to find out if they create an action plan that will assist them to strengthen their program.
Also, I plan to observe the classroom using the Pre-Set assessment tool to observe teacher child-interaction. Additionally, I will use the tool called ASQ-SE completed by the parents. These tools will help to assess the program’s current practices. The time required to gather the data will be two months. We will set up the interview and assessment dates within that time frame. After, gathering the data we will need time to assess and discuss the information gathered. After, gathering the information we will collaborate and generate a plan. This will ensure that we are working towards one
First, would look at my measurement method to make sure that it is reliable and valid. Making sure that the measurements are representing the people and the program accurately, enough sample size is use to represent the program, and make sure there is no participants contamination. Second, the time from when the program started and when the evaluation process starts can also show that the program have no impact. It takes a long time for programs to work out the kink and bumps along the way and sometimes having an evaluation conducted within a year will not show the program at its full potential. There is also the sleeper effect where the program will not show impact until a much later time. Having an open and clear communication with the stakeholders will let me know what they are looking in the program evaluation so that I can focus on those aspects to make sure I use accurate
I will walk around the classroom taking notes about each students’ progress, while they work independently and during guided practice. On students desk there will also be colored cards to explain where each student believes they are. A green card will explain that the student understands it, a yellow card means they understand some of it, and red means they do not understand how to complete the work. Data will be kept on a chart with every students’ name. This assessment will show me where additional accommodations may need to be made; therefore, meeting the needs of students with exceptionalities. If I notice a student not being able to understand how to solve the problems, accommodations can be set to help students understand what they are working
While observing students. Use a check list to formally assess students progress and understanding of the objective.
The first thing you need to do is save a copy of this document, either onto your computer or a USB drive
The PAAS tool entails surveys, observation, and random group interviews of the participants. The data from One City Summer Initiative was a survey on satisfaction. Thus, the
In order to implement a program evaluation to determine client gains, there will be a team consisting of myself as the lead consultant, 3-4 program evaluation support staff members who will assist in the evaluation process and one staff member from the center being included to provide relevant center information. Key staff from the center will be asked to form an advisory group where all evaluation measures, outcomes and processes will be discussed, approved and presented.
through sharing observations of the child with a professional such as a psychologist to help give
In this area, I will be using multiple aspects when it comes to evaluating my students, I know I will use DBRCs (Daily Behavior Report Cards) along with keeping track on when the misbehavior occurs. Another area I will be sure not to overlook is using what data is already available from the school, about my students. The video suggest " Don't overlook information that your school may already be collecting that can help you to directly or indirectly track student behavior", and I will make sure that I do not.
Implementation evaluation can be used if a new program is being started or if it is determined that an existing program initial goal is not being met (Mertens & Wilson, 2012). Utilizing implementation evaluation encompasses the following; responsive, monitoring, developmental, formulation participatory, and process (Mertens & Wilson, 2012). Furthermore, implementation evaluations asks questions such as; did the program fall in alignment with the plan or there any changes that need to be made in administrative or participant screening (Mertens & Wilson, 2012)?
It collects objective information on the outcomes of programs so that wise decisions can be made on program planning and budget allocation (kettle, 2015). Based on this statement, programs that are found to be effective and efficient are continued while those that are ineffective and unproductive are discontinued. Therefore, managers through the help of formal program evaluation can test exactly what they want and get the precise information they needed. As a formal program evaluation has a powerful methodology than the results-based management, better information can be produced from the formal program evaluation. However, this approach requires controlled experiments and lengthy tests which makes it to produce results years after programs were initiated and policy decision were made.
Most Procedures for assessment evidence are; portfolios, exams, assignments, observations, physical evidence, learner and witness statements, are all in agreement with the Data Protection Act (2003).
I need to monitor and assess the progress of each student by maintaining accurate record using a variety of assessment tools, gaining feedback, formative informative,formal and informal whilst also maintaining my organisations requirements.
At the beginning of the school year, students take an assessment also known as the BOY Beginning of the school year assessment. This assessment provides teacher insightful knowledge as to where the student is at and what background knowledge does the student have. Providing this baseline assessment especially for special education students it provides the teacher with useful knowledge on what he or she can implement on their unit plan. The baseline assessment will include responding short answers with citing evidence. Currently, they are several methods on how to obtain data from assessments such as using Achieve 3000, plickers and the regular method, which would be test and quizzes. Achieve 3000 provides the student with a modified article
Current program evaluation emergence started in earnest in the early to mid-1960s when the need for systematical assessment of mostly educational programs began to multiply exponentially. The general purpose for program evaluation was, and has always been; with changes along the way; was to provide up-to-date information for all proponents of the decision making apparatus, provide consistency, and accountability. Program evaluation also makes possible for stakeholders responsible for deciding on improvement and continuation of existing programs or the proposal of new educational programs to perform their duties based on policies. Usually, program evaluators responsibility were divided into three sections. First, its the (needs assessment);
Now that we have identified the outcome evaluation design we will need to determine the best method of capturing program data. Accurate program data is essential to establish program effectiveness and convey credibility of study findings. Once we have captured this data, our group will have to organize and present it in a manner that is easily understood by various groups of stakeholders with diverse educational backgrounds and agendas.