
Professional Development Process Analysis

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According to Robertson & Dressler (2010), it is important to “develop this tool from the start because this will ensure that you comprehend what you currently meet and need” (p. 212). I will use the Self-Study Planning and Progress Checklist along with the Evidence Collection. Based on the suggestion from the Document or Evidence Collection resource I also plan to use a file box with file folders labeled to organize the documents. These tools contribute to my examination of quality by allowing me to organize, the evidence I gather regarding children’s assessments and social-emotional development. For instance, I will review the programs behavior incident report, staff development file, DRDP group report, and ASQ-SE. Also, I will gather …show more content…

I will collect the information and place it in a file cabinet with each folder labeled. Once, I have all the data collected I will ensure that it is collected in a timely manner. For instance, I will gather this information quarterly to ensure that we assess the program in different times of the year. I understand that some of the assessment tools will not be completed quarterly, but I would like to see information regarding their assessment process. Also, I would like to ensure that the program is successfully completing any follow-up services that are …show more content…

What tool do you use to evaluate your program? This question will help me learn about the tool being used and the benefits of this tool. What do you do with the information gathered? I want to find out if they create an action plan that will assist them to strengthen their program.
Also, I plan to observe the classroom using the Pre-Set assessment tool to observe teacher child-interaction. Additionally, I will use the tool called ASQ-SE completed by the parents. These tools will help to assess the program’s current practices. The time required to gather the data will be two months. We will set up the interview and assessment dates within that time frame. After, gathering the data we will need time to assess and discuss the information gathered. After, gathering the information we will collaborate and generate a plan. This will ensure that we are working towards one

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