
Profile of a Leader

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The term leadership has many different definitions and is perceived in different ways. Common core concepts of leaderships are that it “involves a process of intentional influence that is exerted by one person over other people to guide or facilitate activities in a group or organization” (Yukl, 2006). A leader is defined as a “person or thing that leads” or “a guiding or directing head” while leadership “is a person who guides or directs a group” (Webster). Leaders influence individuals in order to accomplish a common goal. Qualities found in effective leaders are that have exemplary character, analytically thinkers, enthusiastic about their work, function in an orderly manner, remain calm in situations, and are committed to the main purpose, and to excellence (White, B., 2014). Leaders are able to influence other individuals which result in a commitment by the followers. They inspire followers to sacrifice their own interest for a higher cause. These higher causes can be for the purpose of a group as a whole or for the sole purpose of the leader. Leadership can be a specialized role or a shared influence. It can be direct and indirect. While a direct leadership is shown by the transmitting or information to an individual, the cascading effect it has is seen as the indirect leadership (Yukl, 2006). One of the most common ways to measure the effectiveness of a leader’s leadership abilities is if the task for a goal is attained. Are the attitudes of the

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