
Project M2 : False Memory

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Project M2: False Memory
Literature review.
This project is based on false memory and asks the question, “Will words that are presented visually evoke false recall of an associated word more than if words are presented aurally?” False memory has been defined as, “A mental experience that is mistakenly taken to be a veridical representation of an event from one’s personal past. Memories can be false in relatively minor ways, believing one last saw the keys in the kitchen when they were in the living room or in major ways that have profound implications for oneself and others like, mistakenly believing one is the originator of an idea or that one was sexually abused as a child (Smelser & Baltes, 2001, p. 5254). How memory works is an important area that psychologist have been searching for answers to since the early 1950’s and has led to some controversial theories.
Baddeley (2001) suggests a working memory system which consists of four components; a modality-free central executive, a phonological loop which holds information in speech based form, a visuo-spatial sketchpad and an episodic buffer which is the temporary storage system that holds and integrates information from the phonological loop, visuo-spatial sketchpad and long-term memory (Eysenck & Keane, 2005).
Research into false memory has been carried out to determine how reliable the memory can be. Loftus (2003) looked at eyewitness memory and how accurate it can be. In one study Loftus showed films of traffic

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