
Project Management Plan For Golf Galaxy Inventory Project

Better Essays




Rev Date Purpose Originator
Draft 02-15-2017 First Review Mohammed Azhar
Sumana Kondapaneni
Syed Mukram
1. Executive Summary 2
2. Project Management Approach 2
3. Scope Of Golf Galaxy Inventory Project 2
4. List of Milestone 2
5. Change Management Plan 3
6. Communications Management Plan 3
7. Cost Management Plan 5
8. Sponsor Acceptance…………………………………………………………9

1. Executive Summary

In Golf Galaxy Inventory Project, the Website of Golf Galaxy which is owned by Dick’s Sporting Goods will gives us all the details of the inventory such as goods and as well as services provided. The goods are …show more content…

Proper Maintenance of the system or Database (DB) with timely and weekly updates to correct any Database (DB) issues.
Making sure that the Database (DB) has online access 24/7 in order for the data to be updates and as well as sync all the time.
Display of Team work and proper Work ethics. Coordination with other teams and customer Support.


1. Project Management Approach

The Plan shown below is the Project Management Plan, which is handled by different members and as well as the time taken to complete the Task within a certain time period.

 Our Golf Inventory Project consists of a lot or Requirements. So in order to fulfill all those Requirements, the team has decided to assign this task to Senior Project Manager’s Azhar and Sumana, as they are the most experience person in handling all those types of requirements within a certain time period.

 In every project, they are a lot of requirements that has to be completed within a stimulated time period. So, the Requirements Phase of Golf Inventory project will be taken care of Project Manager Mukram & Hassan and it takes 2 weeks of time to complete it.

 Design Phase is of utmost importance. So, the Design phase is assigned to Project Manager Azhar and Mukram and Database (DB) Team and GSU multimedia and it will take mostly 3 to 4 weeks of time order to fulfill it.

 Implementation Phase of this project

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