
Project Management: Project Failures Sydney Opera House

Better Essays

Sydney Opera House

Introduction p.3
History p.3 – 4
Stakeholders p.4 – 7
Stakeholder classification p.5
Stakeholder Power/Interest Grid p.7
Causes for project failure p.8-10
Lack of risk management p.9
Unrealistic timescale and Cost escalation p.10
Recommendations p.10 – 14
Risk Management p.11
Forecasting p.11 – 12
Stakeholder Engagement p.12 – 14
Conclusion p.14
References p.15 - 16


For this assignment the project chosen to critically analyse its failure is the Sydney Opera House.
Critically analysing its failure and its consequences and identifying bad project management procedures made me …show more content…

Among all these reasons the Stakeholders play a big part in the projects that they are involved and sometimes a project can go wrong depending on decisions taken by these groups.
To start this stage of the assignment it is essential to identify the stakeholders – all the users that directly or indirectly affect positively or negatively – the project. (Polychronakis, 2011)
The analysis will be assisted from the article “Toward a theory of a stakeholder identification and salience: Defining the principle of whom and what really counts”, determining which of the stakeholders hold which of its three attributes, one can identify stakeholders. Then Stakeholders can be analysed by its salience. Explaining briefly the three attributes power enables to act despite resistance of others, legitimacy is being seen as acting appropriately within context norms and urgency relates to time sensitivity and importance of the stakeholder (Mitchell 1997).

Stakeholder Classification | | Power | Legitimate | Urgent | Type | Stakeholder Classification | | Power | Legitimate | Urgent | Type | | | | | | | NSW Government | | x | x | x | Definitive | Public Works, David Hughes | | x | | x | Dangerous | Utzon | | x | | x | Dangerous | Arup | | x | x | | Dominant | SOHEC | | x | x | | Dominant | Design Team | | | x | x | Dependent | Engineer Team |

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