| Move the Pyramid Project | | MUMMYMOVERS | project proposal | | MOVE THE PYRAMID PROJECT Table of Contents Table of Contents Executive Summary 4 Management Proposal 5 Management Approach 5 Organizational Chart 6 Scope Statement: 6 Project Justification: 6 Requirements: 6 Deliverables: 6 Project Success Criteria: 7 Project Team Members: 7 Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) 8 MSP Activities, Sequencing & Dependencies 8 MSP Schedule, Network & Critical Path 8 Management Risk Analysis 8 Potential threats identified: 8 Risk analysis: 8 Risk Strategies/Strategy Options: 8 Managing risk: 9 Reviewing risk/Monitor and control: 9 Risk Management Plan 9 Methodology 9 Roles and …show more content…
Whenever possible we will recreate or reclaim original materials to maintain the integrity of the original Pyramid. We will coat the new Great Pyramid with our patented MagicShell™ product. This product will seal the stones protecting Khufu’s Pyramid from any further damages created by the environment. This product was invented by MummyMovers in 1990 and is a sealant that allows natural resource material to repel elements like smog, sand storms, or acid rain from their damaging effects while maintaining an undetectable appearance. The usual cost of the application is 10% plus cost, but we will apply it free of charge as part of our contribution to this historical endeavor. Our true passion is preserving history and we would like to help Egypt preserve this national treasure for everyone to enjoy for eternity. We estimate this project will take just under 10 years to complete. The cost of the multi-purpose facility, roadway and railway, dismantling and rebuilding of Khufu’s Pyramid, as well as other costs such as utilities, temporary housing, equipment, equipment storage facilities, and salaries, less marketing subsidies is estimated at $758 billion USD (4,366,000 Egyptian Pounds). We are proposing a cost plus incentive fee contract with a target incentive fee of 12.1%. This brings the total GOE cost to $850 million USD (4,895,000,000 Egyptian pounds). Please see the cost proposal for a
This is to ensure that the necessary raw materials and physical resources are available at each stage, and that the workforce on site has the right skills for the scheduled work. The project management team will need to produce a series of planning documents that can be accessed throughout the project. Each member of the project management team must know their role and responsibilities, including which sections of the workforce they will be directly managing.
This pyramid, in all practicality, acted as a tomb for the great Egyptian king Khafre. Though slowly deteriorating, the Khafre Pyramid was "originally finished with a sheath of polished limestone." This limestone finish gave the pyramid a sense of elegance and beauty. Sadly today, only a small portion of the finish is intact at the pinnacle of the pyramid; the rest has fallen victim to time. The measurements of this pyramid is 140 meters high with a 216 meter square base. Its angle is about 52 degrees. This mountain of masonry contained passageways and chambers filled with Egyptian treasures honoring the dead king. Incidentally, there is a religious aspect to the Great Pyramid. In Egyptian religion, death brought on immortality to the king; Egyptian pharaohs were revered as gods. According to Stokstad,
This project charter is planned to help O’Donnell & O’Donnell LLP who will lead the project management team take place the parade smoothly. This parade for welcoming home troops will be organized in Colorado Spring which has a long history of military. This project charter’s goal is making sure project management team and sponsors understand all details and tasks of this parade and getting an agreement between these two parties. Some important tasks can be directed with the project charter. For examples, raising fund, arranging thousands of soldiers and planning a lunch
staff, management, and goals are in place to include them in the grid. Future plans must
The Great Pyramids of Egypt are grand tombs where the ancient Egyptians buried their pharaohs after death (History). In the ancient Egyptian’s minds, the
Throughout the thousands of years that the Great Pyramid has been standing, there have been many myths and legends that sprung up. Among them was a landing site for alien spacecraft, a spacecraft itself, or the means to predict the future. This report is going to explain the actual reason the Great Pyramid of Giza exists, how and why it has existed for so long, and the story of its construction.
The Great Pyramids of Giza are considered to be three of the world’s most fascinating and astonishing archaeological marvels. On the edge of modern-day Cairo stands the plateau of Giza, on which these extraordinary pyramids were constructed approximately 4,500 years ago, yet to this day, they are regarded as three of the world’s largest human-made structures, standing, collectively, at 1116 feet tall. However, the Pyramid of Khufu, is by far the most captivating. As the biggest pyramid of the three (despite Khafre’s Pyramid being mistaken as the larger one as it was built on higher ground), Khufu’s Pyramid (more commonly referred to as the Great Pyramid) once stood at a towering 481 feet tall, however, over the centuries it has been affected by erosion, and combined with the absence of its pyramidion, its present height reaches 455 feet, with it’s base covering an area of 230.4 metres. The Great Pyramid was built around 2580-2650 BC, during the Fourth Dynasty, and is believed to have been constructed as a tomb for the Fourth Dynasty Egyptian pharaoh Khufu. Furthermore, many egyptologists argue the time period in which Khufu’s Pyramid was formed, with John Romer proposing a 14-year time span, and Mark Lehner
Why the Great Pyramid of Giza was built is a question that has been challenging archeologists, philosophers, and historians
Joseph Davidovits discovered a simple chemical process that turned a putty mixture into stone and argues that this method was used in the construction of the Great Pyramid. Joseph Davidovits explains that the pyramid blocks were simply stone casted instead of being cut and hauled from the quarry. This is a very probable answer because all the needed materials are available. Davidovits indicates that the use of a ramp, as Clifford Wilson suggests, must have been larger than the pyramid in order to allow a slight angle for the workers to drag the blocks up. Another problem with the use of the ramp is that three are no murals at the time showing the ramps and sleds that were supposedly used to move the blocks. Davidovits demonstrates a unique method of the construction of the pyramids, but this is not as well as Wilson’s theory because there are problems with Davidovits’ theory.
Much of the pyramids history is on the inside. One of the many things inside of the pyramids are (sometimes also known as mummies) are the bodies of the pharaohs. When pharaohs died in Ancient Egypt, they were believed to become gods. In order to properly put them at rest, they had to do a proper burial. To do this, people has to take out every organ of the body except for the heart. The heart is told to hold the soul, so they couldn’t remove it. After this, they stuff the body with cloth and sew the skin up. They put chemicals on the body to dry it out, and set for 40 days. The body was then covered in oils, precious stones, and amulets and bound with longs strips of cloth over and over again. A highly decorated mask was set on the face and wrapped again in cloth. This whole process took about 70
The proposed document must be constructed to demonstrate the need for a new for-profit transportation service. It will present a business plan, and then go into detail about characteristics specific to this service.
The limestone’s that were used to build the pyramids were taken from quarries along the Nile River. When the building was completed the Great Pyramid was surfaced using white casing stones that slanted and were flat at the top (Krystek, 2010). The smooth blocks were beautiful, extremely well polished and white. This came to be known as the Casing Stones (Krystek, 2010). These have since then been cut off by Arabs who use them to build mosques in Cairo. However, a few of them still remain. Before the Arabs begun to strip off the casing stones they were very beautiful to look at. The original pyramid with its white casing would operate like humongous mirrors that powerfully reflected light on the moon and be seen like a star on earth (gizapyramid.com, 2011).
New archaeological evidence shows that those who dragged and laid these two and a half ton granite slabs were condemned to an early grave, and they died with deformed bones and broken limbs. An Egyptian excavation recently uncovered the burial ground of hundreds of workers who helped to build the great pyramid for king Cheops 4500 years ago. Originally over one hundred and forty six meters high, it is the tallest of the three famous pyramids at Giza near the Nile delta.
In the deserts of Egypt lie the colossal remains of an ancient civilization. These enormous works of human endeavor are the only member of the Seven Ancient Wonders of the World that time has passed down to us. These are, of course, the great pyramids of ancient Egypt. But these imposing structures were not built to impress civilization millennia down the road. The pyramids in fact had a purpose to the ancient Egyptians. While they seem very simple in nature, as they are simply four-sided pyramids with square bases, they had a meaning for those that had them built. Even by today’s standards, the pyramids of ancient Egypt were an impressive feat of engineering, due to their enormous size, both in building materials and finished product.
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