
Project Nine: Case Study

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The increase in partnership with The Regional Food Bank expands the pantry’s scope of aid by allowing them to house large quantities of food. The food is purchased at an even more (than previously) reduced rate. In the event of a natural disaster, Food Resource Centers house food and are ready to meet the needs of the community. In order to become a Food Resource Center, Project 66 needed a larger and permanent building. The new location provides a structure where larger volumes of food can be stored and additional space can be used for educational classes. Once classrooms are established, clients will be taught courses that will enable them to become independent of public or private assistance. This will be achieved by offering practical educational classes that promote client self-dependency and teach important skills such as budgeting and literacy. As a result of the program director’s hard work, the pantry will begin the process of becoming the second WIC center in Edmond (according to WIC website). Volunteers will be trained on assisting clients’ with WIC applications. Project 66 is excited to embark on this new journey with an increased partnership with the Regional Food Bank. Project 66 always has a need for funds to purchase food for their clients. Providing nourishing …show more content…

Project 66 offers an informative brochure for schools to give to needy children. The pantry is listed in the Edmond Social Service Resource Guide. Project 66 is one of the few client choice pantries in Edmond and surrounding areas. Client choice is providing clients with a choice in what items they bring home. Clients shop in a grocery store atmosphere and select a number of items based on their family size. Research done by the “Waste Not Want Not” project found that if people are given random selections of food that up to half the food given will not be consumed by the intended

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