
Prometheus's Comparison: The Creation Of Greek Myth

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The story begins with Gaia, the Earth, the mother to us all. In the midst of the night, Uranus, the sky, rained down on Gaia, and together they created life. "The first children were monsters", and they brought terror (1). As a result, Uranus sent them to Tartarus, the "underworld of blackness" beneath the ever-growing Gaia. Soon, they gave birth again, this time to Cyclopes, whom too were pushed into the underworld. At last, they brought forth life yet again, to giant Titans, who Uranus finally allowed to walk the Earth (1). In the lonely night, Gaia called to her children, those who were "forced back into the womb of night" (1). The most devious of Gaia's children, Cronus, heard her, shrunk and drew Uranus into the sky, and allowed himself …show more content…

Zeus, enraged by this new creation swore that "if these pitiful creatures lived, they would live as animals, forbidden all knowledge that might let them approach the power of the gods (7). Despite Zeus' disapproval, Prometheus continued to gift his new creatures, and he gifted them with fire and useful arts that would help them thrive. When Zeus had found out about this, he sent guards after Prometheus. And once he was found, he was taken and punished to no end for his disobedience (7). Even though Zeus had despised of these ‘human’ creatures, he was afraid that the powers they had been granted could equal those of the Gods. As a way to prevent this, Zeus demanded that Woman must be made. Her name was Pandora, and she was “given as a wife to Epimetheus, the not-so-clever brother of Prometheus” (7). Zeus sent a secret jar as a wedding present to Pandora, and although she was advised not to open it, her boredom and curiosity eventually took over. As a result, she opened it, and out flew horrids of all types; disease, misery, and evils. This was Zeus’ “curse upon humanity” (7). Though in the middle of all of this horror, one item was left overlooked in the jar; it was hope, the only thing that would ever make human life bearable.
In the end, despite the fact that the human creator was now suffering everlastingly, and humanity was essentially cursed forever, Prometheus was confident that his beautiful creatures would survive and live on, and well, so they

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