
Pros And Cons Of Abolish Slavery

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Deciding whether to abolish slavery was believable the toughest decision America had to make. There were many pros and cons of slavery but the better side of slavery managed to shine through the cruelest parts. For instance it was super difficult to abolish slavery because the Southern economy would ravage. Another reason it was troublesome to abolish slavery is because slavery was so motivated by racism, our country would never treat each person equally just depending on the color of their skin. Lastly, laws placed on slaves did not allow slaves to be able to survive without slavery. Overall, slavery was hard to abolish because the southern economy would suffer, it was very motivated by racism, and laws placed on slaves did not grant slaves to manage a life style.
First, slavery was difficult to abolish because the Southern economy would be destroyed. “Between 1790 and 1860 the amount the cotton that the South produced rose from one thousand tons a year to one million tons a year. In that same period the number of slaves rose from half a million to four million,” (Zinn 129). This shows how the amount of cotton produced grew when the slave count went up. When the cotton production went up, it gave the South more money causing it to economically rise. Without slaves the South would have no one to do any manual labor. This could bring the South into debt …show more content…

To begin with, slaves were only people of color. The negroes were stuck with the labor and getting their hands dirty. From “The Universal Law of Slavery” it states “...the negro race is inferior to the white race…” (Fitzhugh). This quote shows how much people believed that the color of your skin determined your future and your life. At the time racism was a huge factor on whether your life would either be controlled or free spirited. The negro race, for a very long period of time, lived their life in fear and cruelty. Therefore slavery was primarily motivated by

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