
Pros And Cons Of Assisted Reproductive Technology

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Hello this is Fey Pock and welcome to 96.1 Knight Radio, where we have all the latest news for you. Today’s topic is Assisted Reproductive Technology. Assisted Reproductive Technology, known as ART, is a type of procedure that is used to achieve pregnancy. The most commonly known type is In-Vitro Fertilization, or IVF, which is when the egg from the female is fertilized by the sperm from the male outside of the body and then replaced inside the uterus to have the highest chance of pregnancy. This may be viewed as “Playing God”, but it is widely used without the world for the greater good. There are many reasons why this technology should be used widely throughout the world, such as eliminating genetic diseases in the near future, allowing homosexual …show more content…

For lesbian couples, one partner can choose to donate their egg and the other will carry the embryo. Gay couples and single men can start their families with the mix of donor eggs, their sperm, and a surrogate mother to carry the embryo. With the use of IVF,, the embryo is then implanted into the gestational surrogate. Embryos can also be cryogenically frozen by using frozen embryo technology, or FET, for future possibilities. Couples can choose to have more children when ready, but when parents choose not to, or are unable to, have more, frozen embryos that are not used by the couple have many more options than being thawed and thrown away. The top option picked is to donate the unused embryos to couples that cannot have children. The next highest option is to donate the embryos to a research facility to be used for science. Stem Cell research also allows for the possible cure for many diseases and, although very controversial, will be very helpful in the future, but does unfortunately use embryos. But the donation of embryos to the facilities will be of total consent of the parents and will not waste unused

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