Trump and Russia
What does the election of the 45th US President, Donald Trump means for Russia?
The Russian Key Expectations:
1) The recognition of Crimea
2) No additional sanctions against Russia, moreover discussion of existing sanctions removal
3) The constructive dialogue in relation to Syrian conflict and favorable resolution
4) The formation of the symbolic vector with an open dialogue between U.S.A. and Russia
The election of the Donald Trump is a positive outcome for the American people, however the limitation of the decision making due t the discentralized matrix structure. The domoineering lobbyist syndicates are the driving force in the influence of the decision making.
There are pros and cons in the system. The pros are
President Obama came into office in the aftermath of the disastrous foreign policy record of the Bush administration. The terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001 had served as a “switchman,” leading to the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. The Bush administration exercised unilateral use of force and reluctance to engage the international community. As a result global elites and publics viewed the US unfavorably. The US economy was negatively affected by the costs of the wars coupled with the financial crisis of 2007. It was this environment that defined the contours of the election campaign of 2008. Obama campaigned on the idea of change, which represented a regeneration of America through domestic public policy reform and a return to multilateralism in foreign policy. Both domestic and international publics and elites were galvanized by Obama’s message.
Trump and Clinton are both running for the presidency of the United States. One of the candidates is totally inexperienced and the other is experienced. Trump and Clinton stand for complete opposites of policy and political beliefs on taxes, immigrants and abortions.
As expected trump won all the solid red states and major swing states like Texas and Ohio. Such support was adequate to swamp Clinton's support among nonwhite voters in states like Florida and North Carolina, and fueled him to his stunning bombshell triumphs in Wisconsin and Pennsylvania. In spite of an absence of political experience deep down inside I thought Donald Trump would come out on top in the US presidential decisions do to the fact all the craziness that was going on with Hillary. Obviously regardless of a progression of contentions his message resounded with a colossal number of American voters in key states, and uncovered profound anarchistic outrage and discontent. Donald Trump won Texas on the quality of enormous edges with white and
In 2016 Donald Trump beat Hillary Clinton in the presidential race to become the president of the united states. Including the likes of Zachary Taylor, Ulysses S. Grant, Herbert Hoover, and Dwight D. Eisenhower, Donald Trump is one of five presidents that has never been elected to public office before becoming President. Instead, Donald Trump gained majority of his notoriety for being a businessman, real estate developer, and former reality tv star. During his presidential race, it was clear the Donald Trump would be like no other president. During the elections
“Republican and Democratic presidential front-runners Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton have another chance to edge closer to their respective parties' nominations Tuesday as voters go to the polls in the delegate-rich New York primary”.”Pre-primary polls show Trump and Clinton holding comfortable leads, but winning alone is not necessarily enough. Clinton will want a convincing victory to halt rival Bernie Sanders' winning streak and blunt his claims of "momentum" in the Democratic race.”Trump needs to garner more than 50 percent of the statewide vote to have a shot at taking home all 95 of New York’s delegates. Trump has been campaigning heavily in the state with an eye toward that goal, and most recent polls shows him, holding a huge double-digit
When there is darkness there is light on the horizon. People may believe that President Trump will be somewhat of a war hawk when it comes to maintaining or even growing the United States nuclear arsenal. However, history has shown us that presidents may not be as hawkish as they are perceived to be. “United States President Ronald Regan became the unlikely champion of the nuclear disbarment agenda.” (Futter 176) Some say that Regan took a risky and aggressive posture towards the Soviet Union a few years back.
Being intentionally simple, repetitive, self-promoting, and self-prophesizing worked to get Donald Trump elected President of the United States. To win the respect they long for and deserve as well as open the eyes of the public to the current plight of public education in the United States, it would be wise for public school educators to draw on the Trump formula. If teachers and school administrators used the formula relentlessly to get their message across, there is no reason why it shouldn’t work for them as well.
Donald Trump is not doing good as president. Some may still believe he is doing good for our country, but the facts will change their opinion. This argument can be proved based on the facts that are in the news everyday. The news shows articles about him firing multiple people in the white house, his insensitive attitude to important things happening in our country, and him degrading women. People are not happy with Donald Trump’s presidency, and the hatred for Trump continues to grow by his actions.
Our country is continuously wrought with terrorist attacks by foreign-born migrants and radicalized U.S. born citizens. This causes national security issues to remain at the forefront of the news and political debates. The federal government holds the responsibility to protect our nation from those who seek to harm us. As a result, the Trump administration enacted a travel ban to counteract the issue of foreign-born migrants; who are potentially not screened properly by foreign governments. The travel ban is a controversial national security policy which began with Executive Order 13769, resulting in multiple legal battles, and legislative action should be taken.
President Trump has been attacking NFL players who have protested against oppression of people of color by kneeling during the National Anthem. In doing this, he has been suppressing the natural rights of the NFL and its players. The Declaration of Independence states, “... they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness” (Jefferson 1). Natural Rights are given to everyone at birth and cannot be taken away. Henceforth, the president has been restraining the rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness from the NFL.
donald trump presidential election raises the pros and cons in the US. supporters and which does not support united in joy. towards the end result showed trump gained more votes than his rival clinton. donald trump with the election as president of the US market asia experienced anxiety, because trump repeatedly campaigned to protect his country from immigrants. but with the election trump no effect for Indonesia. dodo jokowi president stated that relations between the two countries will remain strong, given that the US is a major investor in Indonesia. and also former president barack obama appreciate trum donald on his election as president. barack obama called for united under their new
President Trump’s travel ban on visitors from six predominantly Muslim countries is very controversial among some voters, yet six out of ten voters support this ban. In a new POLITICO/Morning Consult poll, 60% of the respondents support the State Department’s new guidelines, while 28% the respondents oppose the new guidelines. This poll was conducted with 1,989 registered voters on June 29-30, and the poll has a margin of error of two percent.
The 2016 presidential election has been one of the most interesting election cycles in recent history. Most people in the U.S. and around the world were shocked by Donald ‘trump’s victory because Trump’s election is an unmistakable rejection of a political establishment, and an economic system that simply is not working for most people. Also, he shows unconventional leadership style, and he has never held elected office of any kind. Donald’s Trump should not have been elected to the U.S. presidency for moral, social, and economic
Donald Trump was elected president of the United States of America on November 8th, 2016, and now has been running our country for over a year. As Trump’s first year in office slowly began, his reputation seems to be creating different outside views of our nation and arguments started producing everywhere. After competing with Hillary Clinton for the presidential term in office, Trump defeated her along with her democratic supporters causing one of the most shocking elections in U.S. history. Using public media web pages, we are reviewing both sides of the argument regarding Trump’s election and we are going to decipher why each arguer supports their side, and why each side is reasonable for the benefit of our country.
So, everyone and their brother is all hot and bothered over Donald Trump making some objectionable comments 11 years ago, in private to another man. Of course the media is all over this, that is their MO. Ignore the emails released regarding real corruption and focus on Trump with feigned outrage because he used some dirty words & was lusting after a woman.