However, Flight 93 may have never crashed. Reporters out of Cincinnati, OH reported a Boeing 767 out of Boston made an emergency landing Tuesday, September 11th , 2001 at Cleveland Hopkins International Airport at 10:45 a.m. due to concerns that it may have a bomb aboard (Szymanski). Comments were made by then Mayor of Cleveland, Michael R. White. White explained how the plane was safely secured at the airport, and then was evacuated completely. United discovered the plane to be Flight 93. The airline did not say how many people were aboard the flight. Those comments were removed from the television’s website later that day. Was it possible that the passengers were evacuated from that plane and put in government custody, then relocated them
In Loose Change part 2, flight 93 that crashed in Shanksville, Pennsylvania. At the crash site there is no evidence of flight 93 just a little crater that shows that the plane pould of had to hit the ground at a vertical dive. Before the crash there were three out of many eyewitnesses who were talked to. Susan Mcelwain, said she saw a white plane flew over her and her van, she said it was about 40 ft. above her and she didn’t here a noise. She said it looked like a military plane, as she watched it fly behind tree’s and heard an explosion she thought it crashed, until the FBI told her there was no other plane around there, only flight 93. Then later the FBI changed there story and said it was taking pictures of the crash site. Tom Spinelli and Lee Perba said they had also
It has been fifteen years since September 11th, 2001, and the United States of America has changed since then. The cause of the crash was by the hijackers Osama Bin Laden and eighteen others that took control of four flights. On the morning of Tuesday September 11th, 2001 three aircrafts were headed to Los Angles California. The first aircraft to takeoff from Boston Logan International Airport was American Airlines Flight 11, within an hour and forty minutes Flight 11 crashed into the north tower of The World Trade Center, eighteen minutes later the second aircraft was United Airlines Flight 175, also out of Boston Logan International Airport plowed into the south tower of The World Trade Center, the third aircraft American Airlines Flight
A Boeing 767 containing approximately twenty thousand gallons of jet fuel flew into the North tower of the World Trade Center in New York City on a pristine morning at 8:45 a.m. on September 11, 2001. The collision left a giant opening close to the eightieth floor of the one hundred ten story skyscraper, abruptly ending hundreds of people’s lives and trapping hundreds more in the floors above. As the evacuation of the tower and its twin- the South Tower- got underway by the local authorities, television news channels broadcasted live images of what at first appeared to be a freak accident. Then, eighteen minutes after the initial plane crashed into the tower, a second Boeing 767–United Airlines Flight 175–appeared out of the sky, turned sharply
After the tragic events of 9/11, the government desperately needed to find a way to contradict terrorism. They approached this conflict by passing the Patriot Act in October 26, 2001, signed by President George W. Bush. This act widened the government’s authority to invade their citizens’ privacy, while reducing checks and balances like judicial oversight, public accountability, and the ability to challenge government searches in court. Even though the Patriot Act was purposely ratified to benefit our country from dangerous terrorists, some people quarreled and disapproved of it. In my perspective, I would have also disagreed on the Patriot Act.
There have been many positive outcomes following the introduction of heightened airport security since 9/11. Public safety has improved dramatically as a consequence of new security measures, such as baggage being checked, with laptops, iPads, tablets or other electronic devices be taken out of the carry on bags, body scans, a document or a specific ID that shows you information and no liquid, aerosols or gels can be taken on board. These security measures are necessary because it protects the people and keeps them safe from any dangerous threats. For instance, in 2001, Richard Reid attempted to blow up a plane with a bomb located in his shoe. To prevent similar attacks in the future, shoes and outerwear clothing must now be removed and scanned
What if the Boston bombing never happened? If immigrants were forced to assimilate, events like the Boston bombing wouldn’t have happened. I believe that immigrants should be forced to assimilate into their new country. The Boston bombing was the result of two immigrants that let hatred take over themselves. The process of assimilation also helps each country’s economy to grow with a faster rate. But that is not all, assimilation keeps countries from dividing. From this, I believe immigrants should assimilate.
April 15, 2013 hundreds of innocent Americans were traumatized forever. The 117th annual Boston Marathon was hit with an act of terrorism. Two-hundred-sixty people lost their legs while three people lost their lives. On this day Americans realized how important security is. One thousand federal, state, and local law enforcement personnel sat down and watched surveillance footage for hours tracking the terrorist that caused the Boston Bombing to occur. April 18, 2013 the FBI released footage and images of suspects whose identity was once unknown to gain more knowledge. Due to security footage the men who committed the monstrous act were brought to justice. Without the public surveillance these terrorist would have never been found. (Boston Marathon Marathon Bombings.)
Do you believe in the Chemtrail conspiracy? Yes, I do believe in the Chemtrail conspiracy. One of Americas biggest problem is on fuel jet leaving about these Chemtrail sprays, nevertheless, this Chemtrail conspiracy is now becoming an enormous concern all over the world; people wonder what chemicals that are being left behind from these Chemtrail not knowing if they affect the human race, our planet’s ozone layer and environment is being killed little by little the further we allow these Chemtrail free in out atmosphere; geoengineers are on the verge of a gigantic outbreak to bring home an solution to what we can prepare to stop these chemicals from affecting our planet or a solution to what we can use to fuel these jets without harmful chemicals.
First off the basic overview of 9/11. The day is September 11, 2001. Just a normal day to everyone. The world is at peace. 7:35: Atta and al-Omari board American Airlines Flight 11. Five minutes later the rest of the Flight 11 hijackers board the airplane. 7:59: Flight 11, carrying 81 passengers and 11 crew members, departs from Logan International Airport in Boston, its destination being Los Angeles International Airport in Los Angeles, California. 8:14: Flight 11 is hijacked when hijackers Waleed and Wail al-Shehri rise from seats 2A and 2B and stab two flight attendants. Atta rises from seat 8D and approaches the cockpit. Within minutes, he is at the controls. 8:14, United Airlines Flight 175, carrying 56 passengers and nine crew members, also departs from Logan International Airport in Boston; its destination was also Los Angeles International Airport. Five hijackers are aboard. 8:19, Betty Ong, a flight attendant on Flight 11 alerts
On September 11, 2001 the United States became ground for numerous terrorist attacks, killing many innocent Americans. One of the attacks included the crashing of United Airlines Flight 93. The plan crashed at 10:03 A.M into a field in Shanksville Pennsylvania at 580 mph. It was Boeing 757 that held 37 passengers and 7 crew members that all were killed from the crash. The flights path was originally suppose to fly from Newark, New Jersey to San Francisco, California, until four Muslim Hijackers took control of the plane and were headed toward Washington D.C (Avery). The passengers were frightened for their lives and several were able to make phone calls to their families to say their last goodbyes before the crash. When the passengers were
One thing I do know in my community there is a Sikh temple not too far from where I live and with the other attacks on the other temples I believe our community should have people get together and come up with ideas to protect them from an attack happening to them. Maybe setting up a city meeting or getting a patrol officer to do more rounds around the temple or having their church do service someplace else for the time being I have seen others of their religion do it out of their home so they could do it that way also. As for other crimes in my community I believe that the city and police department have a pretty good method in place already by using the neighborhood watch program and using the media to have the residents of Lodi come together and always report any suspicious activity, and how they have certain patrol men for each area of the city and they even have a site called next door where all the people of the town report stuff and get to know their
Taking an Airport Shuttle Fort Lauderdale route requires the services of a professional transport provider. A Bus From Fort Lauderdale to Miami may be considered a scenic trip, depending on your location. However, shuttle services are not like they use to be. In fact, they are so much better. It doesn’t matter where you live in Florida, you can get a ride from any nearby airport to your destination, with no hassle.
September 11, 2001, millions of New Yorkers and American citizens woke up and started their day, unprepared and unaware for the catastrophic attack that would be taking place in just a few short hours. At 8:46 a.m., Eastern Standard Time, Flight 11 crashed into the North Tower. The impact killed all of the passengers and crew as well as hundreds inside the building. At 9:03 a.m., a second plane, Flight 175, crashed into the corner of the South Tower killing passenger, crew, and workers who worked on floors seventy-five to eighty-three. Flight 77 crashed into the Pentagon at 9:37 a.m. killing approximately 185 individuals ( Staff). Because of the damaged to the support system, fires, and impact at extremely fast speed, the South Tower collapsed at 9:59 a.m. (Lipton and Glanz). Having heard about the acts of terrorism that had just taken place in New York and Washington, D.C., a group of passengers drove their plane, Flight 93, into a Pennsylvania field killing everyone on board but possibly saving hundreds of other lives in the process. The North Tower collapsed at 10:28 a.m. 102 minutes after being struck ( Staff). On September 11, 2001, almost twelve hundred people were wounded or killed by “coordinated suicide attempts” by Al Qaeda terrorists. In result to the four airplanes being hijacked and used for premediated reasons, the United States government instituted new regulations for entering the country and airport security as well as expounded on systems already in place.
Avianca Flight 52 touched the ground for a final time on January 25 1990, 16 miles from JFK airport in Cove Neck, Long Island, N.Y., completely out of fuel. The Boeing 707-321B was carrying 158 people coming from Medellin, Columbia, in which 85 people survived. The crash of Avianca Flight 52 was the largest rescue operation in New York prior to 9/11.
The above mentioned airplane was a planned commercial passenger flight that took off from LaGuardia Airport, New York destined for Charlotte Douglas Airport in North Carolina on January 15, 2009. Six minutes after takeoff, the airplane was successfully abandoned in Hudson River after striking multiple birds during its initial climb out. The crew reported by radio two minutes after takeoff at an altitude of 3,200 feet, the Airbus experienced multiple bird strikes. The result of this multiple bird strikes, which occurred in northeast of George Washington Bridge was compressor stalls as well as loss of thrust in both engines. The Airbus was ditched in Hudson River after the aircrew