
Pros And Cons Of Multisystem Therapy

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I feel that the Multisystem Therapy (MST) would be a good treatment for Brianna, given her mental disorder and behaviors. This type of therapy is geared toward youth diagnosed with an illness as well as in and out of the juvenile system. MST gets the family involved and offers help for the family so they will be able to cope with challenges, to come. It also provides the caregiver's the practice to discipline, better family relationships, as well as peer, and social skills that can be used within the community. According to the National Mental Health Association, “MST has an extensive body of research supporting its effectiveness with juvenile populations with emotional and behavioral problems. Evaluations have demonstrated reductions of up to 70 percent in long-term rates of re-arrest, reductions of up to 64 percent in out-of-home placements, significant improvements in family functioning and decreased mental health problems for serious juvenile offenders” (2004).

Psychoeducation programs
The pioneers of the psychoeducational model of patient care, have conceptualized it by focusing on the plight of people with mental illness, by paying close attention to their higher risk for relapse and rehospitalization. “The treatment team seeks to establish a collaborative relationship with the patient and/or family to share the burden of managing the illness and working toward patient recovery. “The goals and content of the programs, all focus on providing information about the

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