Affordable Care Act and Obamacare are all other names for Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. It is a law that was signed by President Obama on March 23, 2010. With other acts passed such as the Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act, it is known as the most significant addition to the health care system since Medicare and Medicaid. Originally, the bill was formed with hopes that it would increase the affordability and quality of health insurance in America, lessening the amount of people who were uninsured by increasing private and public insurance, and reducing the cost of insurance so that everyone had access to it. In addition, Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act also required insurance companies to shield all applicants …show more content…
It improves quality and lowers health care costs by giving free preemptive care, prescription discounts for elders, protects against health care fraud, and gives small business tax credits. Patient Protection and Affordable Care act also gives new clients protection, meaning they can’t be dropped from their insurance if they have a preexisting condition or if a patient gets sick. In addition, Patient Protection and Affordable Care act implemented a new health insurance marketplace- allowing shoppers to compare health plans that benefited them to get the most out of their insurance policy, gave cost assistance to individuals, families, and businesses, eligibility to Medicaid was expanded giving millions of Americans access to health insurance, having no annual or lifetime limits of healthcare, having all medical insurances give a guaranteed issue- meaning they can’t deny coverage for any reason, the patient gets the right to petition any health insurance company decision, the patient gets access to an informal, easy to understand summary about a health plan’s benefits and coverage, young adults can stay on the insurance plan of their parents until they are 26, large enhancements to women’s health services, better protection and care for seniors, new precautionary services at no out of pocket costs, and essential health benefits such as emergency care, hospitalization, prescription drugs, and maternity and …show more content…
It hurts a small amount of businesses’, has had a bad effect of insurance premiums, and had made some reforms that have injured some medical companies and the employees that work for them. One issue with the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act is taxes of small businesses’. A small amount of businesses in America have more than 50 full time working employees and will have to either insurer their full time workers or pay a fine. To avoid this issue, it is predicated that some companies will cut back on hiring or take away hours from their employees, or another way they can go about the issues is by raising prices on the goods they offer to the consumers. Religious belief if another issue with the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act as many religious people are against contraceptive, while the bill makes it easier to access it as it funds women’s health’s services such as that. One of the biggest concern for the act is how it hurts Medicare. The act cuts around $76 billion from Medicare and uses the money back into the program. Since there is such a big issue, the act has set up a committee to overlook spending and effectiveness. The last, biggest problem the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act has is the cost. Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act has a projected cost of over $1.36 trillion over the next ten years, and in order
In Chapter four of "Ten Letters", there is a letter to President Obama written by Natoma Canfield, a woman whose health insurance became increasingly unaffordable after she survived cancer. After receiving Natoma's letter, Obama often carried it with him as he spoke of the need to reform healthcare to make it more affordable to those who needed it the most and to expand coverage to those who could not get it. "The Affordable Care Act," which came to be called Obamacare in the news media, passed through both houses of congress without a single Republican vote in favor and was signed into law by President Obama in March 2010.
During the Second-Presidential Debate on Sunday, October 9th, Donald Trump stated that he intends to abolish Obamacare, the Affordable Care Plan, as it was a complete disaster and a fraud. Trump discussed his plan to replace this health care plan with a far more affordable plan. Rather than spend the time to alter this plan as Clinton had proposed, fixing the issues that exist within it and do away with this parts alone while fixing the rest of the Affordable Care Plan and keeping this plan in place, Trump intends to enforce a drastically new plan. This policy plan consists of ultimately allowing insurance companies to compete, and this would allow as Trump mentioned in the debate the insurance companies to essentially have monopolies.
America will elect the 45th President of the United States on November 8, 2016. The winner will be sworn into office on January 20, 2017. The candidates have been nominated by their party for the presidency. Businessman Donald Trump became the Republican Party’s nominee while former Secretary of State, United States Senator from New York and first lady, Hillary Clinton, became the Democratic Party’s presidential nominee. Both of the candidates have advantages and disadvantages. I support Trump for President specifically for his policies on gun control, foreign policy, and his ideas on reforming health care. I believe Trump’s policies are generally better than Clinton’s.
Obamacare, by definition, is a US healthcare reform law that expands and improves access to care and curbs spending through regulations and taxes, but is this accurate? There are many opinions on whether the United States as a whole is benefiting from the healthcare reform, or if the citizens are worse off because of the new laws. The only positive many people, including myself, see coming from Obamacare is the increase in the number of insured individuals throughout the country. On the other hand, Obamacare did not address issues such as asymmetric information, adverse selection, and market failure. So, why should we keep Obamacare and is there better options for the health of our country?
The Affordable Care Act (ACA) or aka Obamacare was signed into law to restructure the health care industry by President Barack Obama on March 23, 2010. The Affordable Care Act sought to give more Americans access to affordable, quality health insurance and to reduce the growth in U.S. health care spending. With this, Obamacare is a once-in-a-generation change to the U.S. health system. It guarantees access to health care for all Americans, creates new incentives to change clinical practice to substitute better coordination and quality, gives physicians more information to make them better clinicians and patients more information to make them more value-conscious consumers (Kocher, 2010). All physicians have a similar moral and ethical calling
The premise for this is that if these things get covered with preventative care, “emergency room costs” will be decreased and save money by hopefully keeping that from affecting Medicaid and therefore the tax payer. Again, this bill had been advertised on such plans but, implementing a regulation like this cancelled millions of individual plans that didn’t cover such problems. Another of the essential benefits mandated under the ACA is maternity care. This is great if you are a woman, but if you are one of over 50 million single men in America this is a unnecessary financial burden that you are being charged for and will never use until you marry. The ACA forced many families to go out and buy new, more expensive insurance to cover benefits that they either wouldn’t need right now, or would never benefit from. From just 2010 to 2011 the average healthcare premium for a family plan rose over $1200. Premiums have since grown up to a $4000 increase since the ACA was
Obamacare, a socialized healthcare system in the united states that was signed into law in early 2010. It was then repealed in late 2017. Some say it was bad for the the economy and for the face and image of a capitalist nation. Others would say that it has increased the amount of people with affordable healthcare and decreased the uninsured people in the U.S. But what is the truth? Is it good or bad for the american people? In this article I will be explaining the facts and my opinion on the issue.
HealthCare has always been a major issue not only in the United States of America but in the State of Texas. Many politicians argue over what is known today as Obama Care. This essentially is known as the Affordable Care Act. This act requires most Americans to have some type of health insurance in turn raising others health insurance to pay for those who can’t. Politicians can go back and forth on this issue but I believe that there are many pros but also many cons to Obama Care. Is this what is best for the country?
Obamacare has become one of the most controversial issues in the past four years. I think the debate over Obamacare is a good one to have. This issue has caused many people, politicians, and media outlets to finally sit down and, deal with something that has become a problem in our healthcare system. Obamacare is also facing many obstacles, politicians want to repeal it, people with low-income need it, and the debate on its success is on going.
The US healthcare system is currently undergoing what is arguably its biggest change since its enactment in 1935 with the Social Security Act. The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act was signed into law on March 23, 2010 by President Barack Obama in an attempt to bring cost free preventative care to all American citizens. And while this may sound like good news since it will help take care of the 54 million Americans that were uninsured in 2010 when this Act was signed (Kocher 2010) not all of these changes to the healthcare system are beneficial. Many citizens will find themselves penalized by the fees and requirements of the ACA, along with many others
In March of 2010, President Barack Obama signed into effect the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, or widely known as “Obamacare.” The changes that the act is making with all of health care will slowly be implemented throughout the years, and should be completed by 2022 (Obamacare Facts: Dispelling the Myths). In the Affordable Care Act it changes or alters almost all programs that we have today and creates new programs to assist people and properly state what type if care is expected and required of health care professionals. The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act includes all of the following departments of health care, Affordable Health Care for America Act, the Patient Protection Act, the Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act, the Student Aid and Fiscal Responsibility Act, and effects the Food, Drug and Cosmetics Act and the Health and Public Services Act (Obamacare Facts: Dispelling the Myths). The Affordable Care Act will make many changes, but some of the big changes that will occur involve the patients quality of care, the benefits that all of America will receive with the prevention measures it will be taking, the total availability and access of health care for all Americans, and how all Americans health care finances will be altered.
The Obama Care bill also Known as the patient protect and Affordable Care Act was established on March 21, 2010. The Affordable healthcare Act also known as Obama Care has helped over a billion people gain access to health. In 2010 it shows that 50 million people in America did not have insurance, it also shows that 48.6 million people had decreased, and then it increased in 2012. In 2010, before the Healthcare Act was signed Obama noticed some of the small issues that were going on in healthcare systems. Obama seen that some of the insurance Companies had some unjustified rates for their healthcare plan. He observed how some of the prices for healthcare were controlled by hospitals and private doctors. The way that the healthcare system used to work was that the people that could afford the healthcare plans were able to get them. The People that were unable to get healthcare insurance like through their job or a private practice had to rely on getting Medicaid and Medicare was only for disable people or elderly people. The Affordable healthcare Act was placed to help people throughout the U.S. receive insurance even if they don’t qualify with their employer or private healthcare insurance. What many people do not know is that the new affordable care act offers many great benefits. Such as great benefits for women’s health, Birth control, people with preexisting conditions have great benefits, etc. Having this Affordable Act care will bring great benefits to our future and
One of the many reasons that people like about the Obamacare Act was that more people who would be able to have insurance. Before the act, there were several people who were not able to afford insurance to where they would covered in a case of tragic accident were to occur. According to the website, Obamacarefacts, it states that “Before the ACA, about 38 million Americans had inadequate health insurance.” So with the help of the act people will able to buy a policy for a certain price they could be able to handle. With the Medicaid extending into Obamacare, people who did not have enough money to have insurance or qualify for it, would now be able to get Medicaid insurance to where they wouldn’t have to pay for. (CCH, 52). This was very important because the people whose income was very low that were not able to pay for insurance deals or the penalties were protected from them. Their families would be safe in case of a tragic event and would help with if they
On 3/23/2010, President Obama signed the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act into law, one of the most difficult reforms of the United States medical system in the last forty four years. The Affordable care act changed the non group insurance market in the U.S., regulates that residents have health care coverage, greatly expands public insurance & subsidizes private insurance, raises revenues from a variety of new taxes, & reduces and
The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, which is also known to many as Obamacare, was signed into law on March 23, 2010 in order to reform the healthcare industry in the United States. The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act is made up of the Affordable Health Care for America Act, the Patient Protection Act, the Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act of 2010 and the Student Aid and Fiscal Responsibility Act. It also includes amendments to many existing U.S. laws. The Affordable Care Act is very long to read, according to, “The Affordable care Act contains over a thousand pages of reforms to the insurance and health care industries.” However, most of the important reforms are included in the first