
Pros And Cons Of Vaccines

Better Essays

Natalie Cardenas
Nicholas Morris
English 121
Should vaccines be mandated?
Vaccines have become an important innovation to health throughout the years. A vaccine is a product that produces immunity from a disease and can be given by the nose or the mouth.
The word “vaccines” comes from a disease that occurred ages ago named cowpox that affected cows. The word vaccine is derived from the latin word “vacca” meaning cow. Vaccines cause immunization, a process by which a person becomes protected from a certain disease. Immunity, the ability to resist and infection or toxin, through the presence of antibodies in the human body. Antibodies are proteins produced by the human body to destroy or neutralize toxins. There are two types of …show more content…

Vaccines should be mandated because they do not only protect us but they protect our future generations by eliminating the spread of disease. Throughout the years, vaccines have eliminated and reduced certain disease that have killed and disabled people in the past. Smallpox, an infectious disease that occurred in the 4th century AD, is an example that killed over thousands of people and left others with severe scars. Thanks to the use of vaccinations, Smallpox was eradicated, meaning it now does not exist. In 1796 a physician named Edward Jenner decided to prove a theory when there was a disease called “smallpox” that began to kill millions of people. Cowpox, related to smallpox was a less serious disease that milkmaids caught through exposure of infected cows. Milkmaids who contracted cowpox were immune to smallpox. What Jenner did was take some infected cowpox and exposed it to a cut in a boys arm. Once the boy recovered, Jenner exposed him to smallpox through injection and the first vaccine was born. Edward Jenner's work was the first to control an infectious disease by the use of vaccination. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention “on May 8, 1980, the 33rd World Health Assembly officially declared the world

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