
Pros And Disadvantages Of Entrepreneur

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A business leader who brings money, raw materials, manufacturing facilities, skilled labor is called entrepreneur. Entrepreneur has worn many faces and played many roles. Most policy makers and academics agree that entrepreneurship is critical to the development and well-being of society. They create jobs, drive and shape the innovation, speeding up the structural changes in the economy. They are usually modeled as combinations of innovators with creative and innovative flair and managers with general management skills.
According to the Richard Cantillon (1680-1734), entrepreneur is risk-taker who has the foresight and willingness to assume risk and take the require action to make profit or loss. His entrepreneur is kind of forward-looking and risk-taking. Risks were distinguished by Frank Knight (1885-1972) as capable of being measured and un-measurable. According to Knight, entrepreneur takes the latter risk which is no objective measure of probability of gain or loss. According to Burke (2006), entrepreneur can be defined as a person who habitually creates and innovates to build something of recognized value around perceived opportunities. Joseph Schumpeter (1883-1950) said that entrepreneur is innovator who is the central figure in advancing the wealth of nations and creating dynamics disequilibrium in the global economy. He pointed out that knowledge underlying the innovation need not be newly discovered and may be existing knowledge that has never been utilized in

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