To become a more thorough researcher, one must be able to evaluate and analyze the various components of their study, including that of the independent and dependent variables, the participants, the experimental setting. Even during the process of designing one’s study, trying to design a study that does not have confounding variables, it can be a difficult task with much benefits. According to Halpern et al. (2007), “the fundamental goal of psychological research: to discover the causes and consequences of behavior” (Halpern, Roediger, Sternberg, p. 131, 2007). Thusly, for psychological research to show proper and true results without any alternate explanations, the study must be free of confounding variables. If there are confounding variables …show more content…
This type of study can be conducted as a between subjects or with-in subjects design. Unfortunately, both are susceptible to having confound variables. Specifically for experimental studies, low internal validity could occur if the independent variable was not the variable responsible for the results. To avoid confounds, random assignment and even performing a double blind study are some distinct ways of maintaining an internally valid experiment. Also, evaluating if the study of better suiting a between- subjects or with-in subjects design will also decrease likelihood of confounding variables. For correlational studies, in cases where research topics that cannot be manipulated experimentally, confounds such as direction of causality and the third variable problem can occur. With the direction of causality it is not clear with correlational studies if the first variables was the cause for the change in the second variable. The third variable problem is that there could be a underlying variable that could have produced the study’s results instead of the interaction between the first and second variable. The best method to combat this type of problems is to use experimental methods, such as covariance analysis and stratified analysis. With these two methods, avoiding confounds will be a tangible task and will ensure a more …show more content…
Having many measures in my study, with multiple readings and questionnaires, the order of the materials could have become a confound variable. For example, if I were to let participants read the manipulated trial transcript then complete the questionnaires, they could guess the purpose of the study (which is not juror decision making). I believe that besides one analyzing their study, having peer-reviews is very beneficial for founding out confounds that could occur in one’s study. For my peer review group, the suggestion of changing the ages was beneficial because not only have I haven’t thought about the issues with the previous ages (18, 23), but I understand why the new ages (17, 21) are more suitable. With the change of the ages at a more appropriate age, my chances of confounds have decreased and could decrease suspicions from participants regarding the age difference. This chapter has also made me aware of what experimental methods to lean on if I wanted to perform a study that was correlational. Overall, being able to critically analyze the study and make changes to avoid confounds is the best for experimental and correlational studies to remain internally valid for not only that current study, but future research as
6. Many drug safety research studies are sponsored by pharmaceutical companies that would financially benefit if the results of the study are favorable. Is this an example of a potential confounding factor?
Whether research is experimental or developmental, there are no guarantees of perfect study processes or results, since both random and systematic errors are expected. Errors and uncertainties of a study’s outcomes surface almost every time. Faulty, aged or incorrectly calibrated instruments, during an experiment, can lead to important alterations of results. Distracting environments definitely influence the outcome. Finally, the human parameter in the sense of having ability to properly operate instruments and correctly interpret measurements definitely consist another factor of imperfect research (Bell 7-9).
A) Mr. Gualtieri cannot draw a conclusion about a cause-and-effect relationship from the evidence he has because he would be too quick to determine the factors that are affecting the students’ learning, development, and behavior (Ormrod, 2014, p.11). Instead of worrying about the cause-and- effect relationship from the evidence, Mr. Gualtieri should scrutinize the research report carefully; therefore, he must answer two questions. First, he must determine if he separated and controlled variables that might have an influence on the outcome. Second, he must ask if he has ruled out other possible explanations for his results? (Ormrod, 2014, p.11). If Mr. Gualtieri’s answers to both these questions are yes, then he should be able to draw a conclusion about the cause-and-effect relationship. Unfortunately, “yes” is not the answer to the two questions. This software program may not lead itself to experimental manipulation and tight control of other potentially influential variables because it is considered as a quasi-experimental study (Ormrod, 2014, p.10). Some of these influential variables that cannot be
3- How would you make it an experimental (rather than correlational) study (it might help to be specific here as well and define the two types of studies in your
The main purpose of the most researchers in conducting a research study is to achieve a statistically significant result. When we say statistically significant, it means that the result in a research study was not attributed to chance. In addition, it also means
Instructions: This is a group activity that you will start in class and complete at home. For each of the following, note, whether the research design used is an experiment, a quasi-experiment, or a correlational approach and why. If a study is an experiment, identify the independent variable and the dependent variable. Please type your answers in complete sentences.
One criticism of this research is that it is correlational. Therefore, we cannot infer a causal
The nature of the issues being investigated meant that controlled experiments couldn't be carried out. It would not be possible to separate children from their mothers in an experiment! Because control of variables was difficult, clear conclusions were difficult to draw. Other evidence from psychoanalytic case studies or from animal studies must also be interpreted very carefully.
Throughout this course I have learned many things about research at an introductory level. Research is a critical part of all of our lives in many ways. God blesses each of us with a degree of common sense and we all learn from observing others even as babies, we learned behaviors and skills by observing our parents. Walking through experiences throughout life teach us a lot we need to know as well but sometimes we have to take a better approach when we need to learn about certain things. Many of us know that what works in some situations or with certain individuals doesn’t always work or is the safest option for another situation. Controlled and precisely organized study allows scientists to compare and examine contrasting methods and concepts, also helps them to discover various approaches and be able to learn from individual’s behaviors and experiences. I will act as the case study throughout this paper in order to observe what I have learned about.
There was various letters sent to Worcester Housing Authority, the letters said in bold big letters “IMPORTANT MESSAGE: Residents Required to go to Work/Attend School”. The only exception would be if they were over 55 year old or disabled. Furthermore, the letter explained at least one member of the household had to attend school or work. If these requirements are not meet the individual will be at the risk of eviction. The head department of Worcester Housing Authority worded “If you want a government benefit, then you have to do something for it". The Worcester conundrums is said to be the latest way government influence citizens personal decisions. There has been a wide range of ways the government has tried to influence citizens decisions.
a. The study was designed as an experimental research by using independent and dependent variables.
My initial thoughts towards behavioral research did not encompass a complete understanding of its significance. Thus, there was a feeling of ambiguity towards its relevance, especially in the scope of everyday life. However, after reading Chapters 1 and 2 of Methods in Behavioral Research, the necessity for behavioral research became more defined. Specifically, the findings accumulated through research can be applied in various aspects of life, such as aiding mental health professionals in patient care decisions, developing educational programs, and influencing Supreme Court decisions (Cozby & Bates, 2012).
The question that I as a researcher want to answer is whether ingesting coffee, increases ones heart rate. The independent variable of this study is Coffee, and the dependent variable in this study is Heart Rate. The confounding or lurking variables in
However with advantages come disadvantages. For example, with correlational studies there is no background information obtained. Therefore, the reliability of the correlational studies is questioned.
A study design is the procedure that guides a researcher on how to collect, analyze and interpret observations. It is a logical model that guides the investigator while he navigates through the various stages of the research. Study types can be classified severally depending on the research strategy employed. A study type can be non-interventional that is ‘observational’ where a researcher just observes and analyses researchable objects or situations without intervening. Non-interventional study designs can be exploratory, descriptive or comparative. A study can also be