
Prospero Is Human Essay

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Prospero Is Human

Although in the first three scenes of the play, “The Tempest” written by Shakespeare, portray Prospero to be a devious and malicious man seeking the next opportunity to pray upon his foes with his powerful magic, Prospero is actually a good human when it comes to a level playing field. Prospero, although upset at what was taken from him deals with his anger in a timely and apologetic way. Prospero is a good person put into a situation that left him no choice but to break out in rage at the first opportunity he got for he is human. He comes a long way in these short hours to reclaim his dukedom as his while dealing with fury in ways of intense magic. In the beginning of the play, Prospero was forced out of Milan after being the duke of the kingdom. After he was dethroned, he was also vanished to a deserted …show more content…

As he quids all of the people that onced ruined his life to his home, he remembers how the dukedom made him feel and began to think of the life with it compared to the one he is living in now. He proclaims “I’ll break my staff / Bury it certain fathoms in the earth / And deeper than did ever plummet sound / I’ll drown my book” (V.1.54-57). This passage shows that Prospero is willing to give up everything he has to gain his old life back. He is willing to become powerless to become powerful in himself. Not only will he give all of his powers he has up as well as his spirit servants, he is also willing to throw all that happened to him in the past under the bridge. Him being overthrown will all be water under the bridge and they can all start on a clean slate. As Alonso is realizing what is it stake and is begging for forgiveness, Prospero shrilled, “There, sir, stop / Let us not burden our remembrance with / A heaviness that’s gone” (V.1.199-200). As a result, he is finally humanized. He is ready to start over in his own benefit and will be duke of Milan

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