
Essay about Protect the Future

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Everyone is doing it! Assumptions, like this one, may prompt sexual activities among many teens. The amount of teenagers involved in sexual activity has drastically increased over the last several decades. Especially during the course of high school due to the outrageous status que with having sex. Due to such high numbers of sexually active teens, the distribution of condoms in high school could be implemented in every school district across the United States. Many individuals believe in using protection like condoms. Yet many may hold some kind of complex at how society may view them. This includes friends, families, and society. There is a stigma when it dealing with society/adults and teenagers. On one account, society/adults have a …show more content…

A few teenagers stray from the crowds by not allowing pressure and temptation to put them at risk for sexual diseases. Others enter the dangerous world of sex by engaging in sexual activities, which is normally triggered by curiosity and peer pressure. Having sex, however, does not necessary result in a person contracting a sexually transmitted disease, but the risk is higher. Using latex condoms decrease the participants’ chances of infection (Centers 1). By being aware of the benefits and proper usage of condoms, the protection for teens is in full effect. Students having knowledge and access to condoms should lead him to make the choice of protecting themselves. Consistently using condoms will allow teenagers the ability to express themselves sexually in a safer way. By using condoms, students are securing themselves from later life-changing events, like a disease that can occur if not using protection. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention identify that “latex condoms can reduce the risk of other sexually transmitted diseases”, which is why students having access to condoms and information about sex can change pregnancy and sexual infection rates among teens (2).
Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) are very common in a high school community. According to Seccombe, “19 million people become infected with STDs each year, and half of these are

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