YMCA policies meet all requirements of mandatory reporting regulations and protective behavior, result from the policies are up-to-date. YMCA approaches conduct and behavior management with the YMCA Values of respect, responsibility, honesty and caring to ensure the safety and wellbeing of children and young people (Positive Behavior Procedure, HR008,2015). For instance, ensuring obtain the requirements of National Quality Area 2, YMCA positive behavior procedure 3.13 emphasize supervision is appropriate to protect children’s safety and wellbeing. Meanwhile, Healthy Food and Drink policy declare all staffs should obey the nutrition standards in order to guarantee the health and safety of children. Asthma Management Policy also provides a safe
The responsibility for the day today management of all Health, safety and Welfare policy lies with the Headteacher.(Sally Burn). The safety Officer ( Mr. Churchill) then has delegated authority from the Headteacher to implement and monitor policy and procedures; be the reference point for all Health, safety and welfare matters; give advice or indicate sources of advice; to make clear any duties in respect of Health, Safety and Welfare which are delegated to other members of staff; liase with the council’s Health and safety Team; ensure that the Health and Safety Reference File is kept up to date; ensure compliance with RIDDOR; arrange for risk assessments of the premises and working practices are undertaken, recorded, added to and reviewed as necessary and to implement procedures to ensure emergency procedures and first aid provision are in place within the school.
As an active member of the committee to assist in drafting a risk management plan for the local YMCA, I would focus on a lot of different areas to ensure the safety of the athletes playing the sports, the staff and personnel, and the fans and parents who are watching the sports activities. Before opening the facility, I would make sure there was a legal team to help with any problems trying to open the YMCA and for future accidents and situations and making sure the YMCA has all of the appropriate types of insurance that might be necessary for the future. Next, I would guarantee that all employees and coaches have the necessary forms, documents and trainings, such as CPR certificates to make certain that the children and properly being taken
It is important to ensure that the young people and staff are all safeguarded. Any staff that will be using physical interventions should have attended the mandatory training, risk assessments should be in
The schools requirements & any other guidelines for health, hygiene, safety & supervision in the setting including access to premises, store rooms and storage areas.
“….The school therefore is to provide and maintain a safe and healthy environment for all staff, pupils, parents and visitors when they are on the school premises….”
In the short story To Kill A Mockingbird, author Harper Lee suggests that in certain situations people have the potential to show acts of courage In our society it is generally believed that in order for someone to show courage, they must show it through physical acts of peril. The only type of courage that is ever heard of or praised is when someone nearly puts their life at risk to show their bravery. In the short story To Kill A Mockingbird, author Harper Lee suggests that in certain situations people have the potential to show acts of courage, great or small. Lee proposes this through characterization, plot and outcome.
Is a guideline to all staff on how pupils behaviour should be managed. It is important that this policy is constantly being applied to ensure full safety of the pupils, this is why all staff MUST be familiar with this policy.
In order to ensure the safety of the children and young people in our care there are a number of policies, procedures and practices that must be adhered to.
1 Understand the Policies, Procedures and Practices for safe working with children and young adults
Though not always directly applicable to the organisation for which I currently work in, a number of policies and procedures exist to ensure the safety of children and young people. These policies apply to all persons who work with children or young people in any capacity. This includes the following:
LO 1.2 Describe with examples the importance of all staff consistently and fairly applying boundaries and rules for children and young people’s behaviour in accordance with the policies of the setting.
It further interlinks with other Departmental policies, procedures, guidelines and with legislation. A shortlist of such documents relevant to behaviour support will be given at the end of our policy documentation that is given to staff. In addition, all services provided to children and young people must be in accordance with the standards and guidelines outlined in the following documents:
I am truly honored to be considered for such an exemplary opportunity like such of qualifying for National Honors Society. Knowing that is it the highest honor that you could possibly receive in your highschool career is a rather surreal feeling. I have worked hard all throughout highschool, pushing myself to achieve the high academic standpoint that I could attain. My whole life I have always been rather a perfectionist so receiving a hundred percent on each and every assignment is always the goal I strive for. I find National Honors Society to be an amazing organization and it would be a dream to become a part of such an organization, and to have it open up numerous amounts of doors in my life.
Task 1 P1 – Describe legislations and policies relating to the health, safety and security of children in a care setting.
Unit 333.3.2. Explain policies and procedures that are in place to protect children, young people and adults who work with them.