
Protective Letter Sample

Satisfactory Essays

On 05/01/2017 I, Deputy Daniel Pruitt was dispatched to the Creek County Sheriff's Office for a protective order violation complaint. I spoke to Robbie Flora who stated Rebecca and Dustin Stewart violated PO-2017-143 and PO-2017-144. Robbie stated received a call from her neiybor's Cody and Amanda that they seen Rebecca and Dustin were at 7624 West 182nd Street. Dustin and Rebecca were served the above protective orders and court ordered to remain away from the home. Dustin and Rebecca were served the protective orders on 04/26/2017. Robbie stated Dustin and Rebecca were at the home on 04/26/2017 and 04/27/207. Robbie stated after she talked to the nieybor's on 05/01/2017 she went by the home. Robbie stated her dads Ruger 45 caliber pistol

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