
Psalms 93 Honor Of The Kingdom Of God

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Psalms 93 - This psalm shows the honor of the kingdom of God. It relates to both the kingdom of his grace and providence. He has all power in heaven and on earth. With concerns to God’s kingdom, word like so are here spoken. Have other kings their royal robes? So, has he (1). Have they their thrones? So, has he (2). Have they their enemies whom they subdue and triumph over? So, has he (3-4). Is it their honor to be faithful and holy? So, it is his (5).
Psalm 94 - Two things this psalm talks about are conviction and terror to the persecutors showing them their danger and arguing with them (1-11). At peace and serenity assuring them both from God’s promise that their troubles would soon end and appear to their excitement and the confusion of

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