
Psychology And Health Issues : Psychology

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Psychology and Health Issues Psychology and Health Issues
According to the American Psychological Association, health psychologists “help patients manage stress, chronic disease and avoid preventable diseases” by “incorporating psychological theory and research to develop methods to assist patients in maintaining healthy lifestyles”(Uyemura, B (2011.). Psychologists have the knowledge needed to help a patient develop their aspect of their existence and be able to live with stress or illnesses. Health psychologists strive to work to avert several different medical issues such as, making them feel better about themselves, weight problems …show more content…

Included with the department of psychology, we are hoping to offer extensive therapy options to our patients who want and need help them understand the stress they are having. Due to illness. Our new psychiatric department will allow us to help relativities deal with their loved ones medical issues. A great deal of Investigation on health and psychology has made things better and speaking with different hospitals has been successful, the Health Psychology team compiled a list of jobs for the six doctors who are in charge of the psychiatric department. The psychiatric department will hire Psychology and Health Issues

a drug and alcohol abuse expert; inpatient-only; adult, child, and a rehabilitation psychologist. Along with doctors that can offer help to manage a person’s stressors as well as drug abuse counsellors that help individuals who are addicted to any substance. This type of abuse expert is able to help the addicted person to conquer their desire for alcohol and or drugs with therapeutic sessions. The drug and alcohol expert will also talk with the addicts loved ones to inform them how to be supportive once they beat the addiction. They will teach them how to deal with the stress of helping the addict and also help them cope with the person as they withdraw from the substance. They will inform the loved ones on signs of setbacks that could cause harm. In a survey of thousands of students across the United

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