
Psychology : Athletic Injuries By Tyler Mckenty

Better Essays


By Tyler McKenty

Sports Psychology
PSY 370011
April 1, 2015

Introduction Sports play a big role in today’s society, competitive and recreational, for young children and even adults. With sports and exercise, unfortunately comes the risk of injuries. You can talk to almost anyone that has played sports the majority of their lives and they will have an injury story for you. Whether it is something as minor as a strained muscle to something as major as a torn ligament. There is always an inherited risk when participating in activities that we enjoy. Almost anytime an injury occurs, the athlete will spend a period of time sitting out and will not be able to participate in activities they are accustomed to until healed. Depending on the type of the injury also comes a variable time table of when a doctor or trainer gives them the go ahead to return. It may seem like a simple task for some but in reality it can become very tough mentally and physically. Once you are healed, it does not just stop there. Once you damage a muscle, tendon, or a ligament, there is always a greater chance that you may reinjure it again. With my experience, I have learned that the most difficult part of a major injury and returning to play again are the psychological aspects. The mental side is just as or is more significant than the physical. An athlete needs to be strong in both areas. Although it is not easy, many people can help during

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