
Psychology Personal Statement

Decent Essays

I had the opportunity to take General Psychology in high school, and I have been fascinated with the complexities of the human mind ever since. Specifically, I enjoyed the developmental unit, which stressed the importance of a stable environment for a child’s wellbeing. Growing up, I was fortunate to have two loving parents whose support gave me the confidence to try new things and strive for academic success. The contrast of my own upbringing to the unstable environments many children experience fuels me to help children have the same nurturing environment I had. With a bachelor of science in psychology, I believe that I will be given the tools to care for the mental health of children in a holistic way. In Psych 1200, I learned that one’s …show more content…

In my first journal, I noted many benefits of this vocational path. I will have exposure to a variety of perspectives, I will learn to write essays using evidence from empirical research, and I will develop strong interpersonal skills. With the opportunity to take classes in the biology, psychology and individual and family development departments, I already feel that I am developing a deep world view. The nature of the coursework teaches me to draw from a variety of perspectives in making decisions. I have always been passionate about healthcare, and this degree gives me the tools to perform in a medical environment while emphasizing the importance of meaningful social interaction. The Developmental Psychology chapter in Careers in Psychology explained the importance of child life specialists in hospitals. In Journal 5, I explained that child life specialists help families and children transition to the hospital environment. Mental and physical illnesses can be deeply debilitating, especially for children. I feel that the child life specialist position would be an opportunity to help children find joy despite their illnesses. In my journal, I expressed that I have always been drawn to the medical field but have felt that my true gifts lie in interpersonal skills and my passion for those less fortunate. A bachelor of science in psychology will allow me to work in a pediatric care unit and will teach me the soft skills needed in order to interact with patients effectively. With experience as a child life specialist, I hope to further my career and become a clinical

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