
Psychosocial Autobiography

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Autobiography I was born on February 2, 1995. My parents were young when they had me, my mom was 20 and my dad was 23. I was not breast fed because my mother went back to work very soon after I was born. Though I had a fairly normal upbringing, my parents worked quite a bit. Three days a week I would go to my grandmother’s house while my parents were working. When I got older I went to preschool two days a week. After entering kindergarten I started to have trouble making friends. I was painfully shy and did not know how to make friends. After a few weeks I finally made a few friends and throughout elementary school I had several different groups of friends. Most of which I do not talk to anymore. I had issues with sucking my thumb and scratching my nose until I was seven when I was finally able to break free of the habit When I was eight years old my mother had a nervous breakdown and was subsequently diagnosed with obsessive compulsive disorder. She had always been hard on me but I never understood why until I got older. While my mother was dealing with her issues I became extremely independent. While she and my dad were still around when I was alone with my mom I had to take care of myself a lot more than I had been used to. I …show more content…

In initiative vs guilt children either start doing adult activities or they follow limits set by their parents. In my case I had a mother who’s parenting style is very authoritarian because of this I was very well behaved as a child but I was probably too well behaved. I felt guilty about everything and constantly looked to my parents for approval to do something even as simple as watch a movie. It took me a very long time to get over this. This stage is supposed to last from three to six years old however I felt guilty about everything until I was about thirteen years

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