
Pt2520 Unit 6 Steps

Decent Essays

Q1. List six major steps that you would take in setting up a database for a particular enterprise.

Following are the six steps that I would take in setting up a database:

1. Requirement analysis
Understanding the business model of enterprise and identifying the entities of that model is the first step in setting up database. Requirements analysis includes tasks of determining the needs or conditions to meet. Requirement specification document will be generated at the end of this step.

2. Defining a model
Database model defines the logical structure of the database by determining manner in which the data will be stored. Relational model is one of the most popular database models, which defines tables and relationships between the tables.

3. Defining integrity Constraints
Integrity constraints …show more content…

Create views
This step includes the task of describing a subset of data for each type of user based on his/her privileges and requirements. This is done to ensure that no additional information is given to the user. Views provide a level of abstraction to the database.

6. Initialize the database
After above 5 steps are done, create/initialize the database by adding tuples in appropriate fields.

Q2. Explain the difference between physical and logical data independence.

Data independence is the ability to make changes in the definition and organization of data without requiring any changes in application programs. Each higher level of the data architecture is immune to changes of the next lower level of the architecture. Physical and logical data independence differ in type of changes that can be made without affecting working of higher levels.

Logical data independence is the ability to change logical schema without changing external schema or user view. In simple words, format used for data storage and format used for data presentation are independent. Such modifications include adding an attribute in existing table or adding a relationship between existing

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