
Public Health Nurse Community Analysis

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The community Faces many challenges with the absence of many stores, fast food and non perishable food are the most accessible food in the community which is one of the contributing health factors to many health problem the community is facing today. The community is in need of more awereness that could evolve from being obese. It is essential for the public nurse to assess the population needs and their readiness to accept changes that might affect their daily life in a positive way. The nurse will need to encourage the population to engage in decision making regarding their community, and facilitate opportunities for them to get access to appropriate resources. The role of the public health nurse in the community is to educate …show more content…

As a facilitator the goal is to create and implement a program that will provide free basic health screaning like diabetes (accucheck) , monitor blood pressure and weight. Also provide fresh fruits and vegetables, meat such as, chicken and beef. The program will focus on adult 45 and older. It will be two times a month. It will also have a place to do exercise 2 times a week with the help of volunteer instructors who are commited to the cause. It will specifically design for those who are obese and committed to change their life for the better. Anyone obese over 45 are qualified. To make sure all the target population have the opportunity to participate I will also provide transportation or arrange car pool for those who are unable to drive or those not have access to a vehicle. The Ohio Department of Health will provide the meeting place and also a room for exercise session. There are several the ohio department of health, chase manhatan Bank, Kroger stores, McDonald and also other volunteers who are ready to do fundraising. The community is ready for the new program because they are not object to the

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