
Purpose Of Encode Information

Decent Essays

To encode information, is to change data from one form to another through specific formulae/rules for a specified purpose. Encoding is used every day by way of encryption, compression, data processing, conversion and storage. Notable encoding systems include character encoding, video encoding, HTML encoding and URL encoding.
For information to be private and secure, encryption is used. A piece of information can be encrypted by changing each of the characters in the data to something different. The encrypted information can then be decrypted to find out the original information. It is important for information to be encrypted so that only the person that has sent and the person receiving the information can see it. Without …show more content…

One of the ways that a message encrypted with a Caesar Cypher can be unencrypted is through a ‘brute force’ attack. This type of attack is where all possible combinations of keys are tried and tried until the message has been unencrypted. Due to the number of possible rotations being limited to only 25 (as there are only 26 letters in the alphabet) and the speed at which modern computers can operate, a message with Caesar Cypher encryption can be unencrypted within seconds. Although, with a larger number of cipher keys the time to unencrypt the message will increase, but even with a larger key set, the alternative encryption solutions (RSA, Triple DES and AES) take far long to solve, years compared to only hours with a substitution cypher. A Caesar Cypher can also vulnerable to frequency analysis attacks, this is when the frequency of each the letters in an encrypted message are recorded and compared with the most commonly used letters in the English language to find the rotation amount and then decrypt the message. Longer messages are easier to decrypt using this attack method as there are more letters that can be analysed and a pattern can be spotted quicker than that of a short message. For modern data encryption methods to be secure, they must be able to prevent brute force and frequency analysis attacks for a large period of time. The time it takes to decrypt a message is how encryption methods can delay

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