
Quadir Anger Management Skills

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QP provided Quadir with a CBT activity geared towards ending IIH services. QP Reminded Quadir and his mom that there a few more session left before he is discharged. QP explained to Quadir that the purpose of today’s session is to review goals and techniques learned to far in services. QP reviewed with Quadir anger management skills. QP asked Quadir, how he thinks his anger management skills has change since starting service over 6monthas ago. QP encouraged Quadir to discuss some of his low point of when he reacted poorly to anger situation in the home and at school. QP brainstormed with Quadir some of the consequences he had to experiences due to poorly responding to anger and conflict situations in the home and school setting. QP asked Quadir …show more content…

QP reviewed with Quadir appropriate responses to anger feelings. QP asked Quadir to list some rules of the house and school that he has to follow. QP examined with Quadir, what causes him to get upset when asked to complete task from his mother, teacher, and grandparents. QP reviewed with Quadir how to respond to anger situation appropriately. QP discussed with Quadir on task and attentive behaviors in all settings. QP reviewed with Quadir mediation, self-control strategies and impulse delay strategies. QP asked Quadir to discuss a time when he has demonstrated good impulse control and engaged in fewer disruptive behaviors. QP asked Quadir, if he has decreased the frequency of disruptive, aggressive or negative attention seeking behaviors. QP asked Quadir, how he is get along with his mom. QP praised Quadir for the progress he has made with his behavior in the home and at school. QP provided Quadir with feedback on the positive progress he as mad since starting IIH services. QP suggested to Quadir to keep up the good work he has made and continue to improve on the changes he has made with his behavior and the goals he was working

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