
Qualitative Research

Decent Essays

What is so stressful about caring for a dying patient?
Nursing 314 – Research
February 3, 2013

What is so stressful about caring for a dying patient?
Death is something that we all have to deal with, be it in our profession or in our daily lives. This article discusses the reasons why caring for dying patients is stressful for nurses and is a high risk for burn out. The article also gives findings related to the study and gives recommendations based on the results. The study shows that education is needed for the nurses that care for the dying patient.
The article gave me the understanding of the purpose of the research study and the findings of the study. The article clearly states the purpose of the research and the findings. …show more content…

“Participants were asked to respond to two measures about death. The first was the multidimensional fear of death scale. The participants exhibited an average or healthy level of fear. The second measure was the Frommelt attitudes toward nursing care of the dying scale, which is show the attitude the participants had toward caring for dying patients. Only 9 completed the scale and all

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