
Quality Matters Related Issues And Course Design

Decent Essays

ENV 1053 and ENV 1073

Quality Matters related issues/course design:

There are no major issues related to Quality Matters; I will touch upon a few of the design issues that came up during the review.

One of the really good things about these courses is in the incorporation of case studies. Each week or chapter features a case study that 's taken right from the course textbook. I 've advocated in other courses for the use of case studies and I think this course serves as a starting point to incorporate them into these other courses. The challenge I think here is that while the case studies are incorporated into the students final grade, the stakes are so low that students may complete only a few or none of the case studies. However the overall grade for discussion forums/case studies is only 4% of the final grade. As such students can complete none of the discussion forums/case studies and still receive a strong grade in the course. My suggestion would be to limit the number of case studies to four, and create case studies that combine several of the weeks for units into one, each worth 2 1/2% of the final grade. Students not completing any of the case studies as a result we 'll lose 10% of their final grade. This is enough to make or break a student 's grade, between b and a. My suggestion is similar for the critical thinking questions that are part of each week 's activities. There are a lot of them and they count for very little in terms of course grade(s).

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