
Quantitative and Qualitative methods

Decent Essays

Contents 1.0 Introduction 2 2.0 Research methodology 2 Data types 2.1 3 Measuring Data 2.2 3 Graphical Data 2.3 3 Empirical research methods 2.4 3 Quantitative Methods 3.0 3 Qualitative Methods 3.1 3 Bibliography 4 1.0 Introduction I have been asked to produce a report which critically evaluates a wide variation of methodologies and how they can be applied to a given scenario. In this report I am going to be analyzing the usefulness of the methods that I can apply to different situations I will also be going on further to explain my knowledge of these methodologies by selecting methods and creating research documentation for a that scenario. In this scenario I am part of an IT Support Team of a large Further & Higher Educational …show more content…

(USC, 2009) Data types 2.1 If there is data that is in numerical form this is called quantitative data if not then it is if referred to as qualitative data if there is no numerical value or data. For example qualitative data can be anything other than words for example it could be a recorded video or photographs these types can be identified as qualitative data Measuring Data 2.2 Measuring and analysing data involves gathering quantitative data about various products and the processes and analysing that data to influence your actions and plans this can allow you to gain a understanding of the process, products, resources and environments and evaluate so that you know the status with respect to your current plans and being able to predict the relationships among the processes and the produces you observe using these attributes to predict other values and products and processes you can improve these milestones by knowing the root causes of these problems and identifying where you can make improvements. Graphical Data 2.3 Many researches can and do use histograms and bar charts and graphs to show the way that the quantitative data is distributed in doing so this makes it easy to understand the results easy, to compare the data and evaluate quickly and also if someone else is using this data bar charts and graphs are fairly simplistic to understand thus helping the research further itself.

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