
R-Type Pyocin Essay

Decent Essays
Open Document R-type pyocin: Therapeutic potential The potential of R-type pyocin to be developed as a therapeutic was realized immediately after its discovery. As early as in 1967, Higerd et al showed that R-type pyocin was safe to administer in animals [77]; it did not have a lethal effect on mice and rabbits when injected in high concentration intraperitoneally. Since then, six studies have specifically looked at the therapeutic potential of R-type pyocins in animal models. Bird and Grieble, in 1969, injected an infective dose of P. aeruginosa into chick embryos, followed immediately by a suitable pyocin preparation, and found that a single dose of pyocin increased the survival of infected embryos from 3% to 46% [78]. In 1972, Merrikin and Terry showed that purified R-type pyocin, administered parenterally to mice infected with sensitive strains of P. aeruginosa, afforded significant …show more content…

aeruginosa infections [79]. Following that, in 1974, Haas et al reported an investigation into the possible prophylactic effect of R-type pyocin in the prevention of the lethal effect of subsequent challenge with P. aeruginosa [80]. In this study they showed that mice were protected against lethal intraperitoneal challenge with P. aeruginosa when a single injection of R-type pyocins was administered one hour before the challenge. The protective effect lasted for at least four days. Although these studies illustrate the potential of R-type pyocins as a novel therapeutic, they were limited in scope and the authors did not quantify the assays, generate dose-response curves, or optimize time and route of administration. In 1975, Rosamund Williams studied the systemic and topical effects of purified R-type pyocins (and F-type and S-type pyocins) on P. aeruginosa systemic and burn infections, respectively, in

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