
Rabbit Proof Fence Essay On Racism

Decent Essays

Rabbit Proof Fence is a movie which shows how aboriginal people are mistreated and about the ups and downs of life and how life can be unfair due to the conduct of human beings in the means of Ethnicity, Nation, Racism and Conflict. This whole movie shows a disgraceful and ugly part of the Australian History.
The movie Rabbit Proof Fence, demonstrate the terrible nature of the cruelty suffered by aboriginal families because of the white Australians and the politicians. During the early years of the 20th century the white Australians passed a rule that required pure blooded quarter castes and half castes Aboriginal offspring’s to be removed from their families and their land and to be raised and mixed with the white Australian community. According to them, they removed these aboriginal children from their families for their own good and sent them away to government camps where they were converted to …show more content…

They told that by fitting into a European lifestyle they would have a better health, including healthy diet, doctors etc. The White rulers told that this was the best interest of the Aboriginals itself, but their ultimate motive was to eradicate Aboriginal blood completely and encourage a pure white Australia. This disastrous, racist policy is now called the “Stolen Generation policy”. This shows how ignorant and inhumane the Australian government was.
The 3 little girls, Molly, Daisy and Gracie, who is yet to experience their life, were forcibly taken from their mothers and sent to the Moore River orphanage camp. They take away these little children away from their mothers in such a harming manner. The desperate mother is helpless in this situation. This shows how dominating and powerful was the Australian Whites and how they controlled the life of other humans just like them except for their outer appearance and education

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