
Rachel Carson's The Fierce Environmental Movement

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The Fierce Environmental Movement The environmental movement was and still is a huge part of the political agenda. It emerged from the 1960s civil rights movement, with growing concerns about air and water pollution. Rachel Carson’s most influential book “The Silent Spring” helped form the beginning of the movement in the United States. The phenomenal book generated a lot of controversy over the use of chemical repellent. Carson talks about the harms done by pesticides in eradicating pests in which they were designed to destroy. Science has been a huge part in the human race and its impact on the earth and is the boat we need to sail in uncharted waters. Science also comes into play in the disadvantages of its modern invention on our environment and, therefore, take the lead in solving it. Many would argue that science is the cause of the pollutions suffered today, which is true to an extent. The vast number of scientists have been instrumental in identifying leading environmental problems. Biodiversity is important because of the numerous dangers that come with the land, water, and air pollution. …show more content…

There have been different diseases caused by air pollution from lung cancer to breathing problems such as asthma and in worse cases death. Pollution is caused from dangerous chemical experiments, smoke from factories and daily human activities. Two of the many ways to eliminate air pollution is by recycling things like paper, plastic, cardboards, cans. This saves energy and the production emission is reduced. Also by informing people on ways they can individually help their communities by doing simple acts such as turning off electrical appliances when not in use. It's our responsibility to take care of mother

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