
Racial Inequality And Gender Inequality

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In today 's world discrimination is a racial inequality when it come to different races in the United states. Discrimination has been around for years and have created a social inequality , economic crises and have lowered individuals into a group known as the “ racial minorities “.Racial minorities can be classified as older people , women , immigrants and young men and women. Women from the early 1600’s to today 's women have been discriminated against for years. Women have never had the same respect as men so, they had to earn respect by stepping up for their rights. Women have made it clear in modern society, that we have the ability to perform equal skills and become success in virtually every endeavor engaged in by men including, employment, athletes, academics and politics.Yet we have discrimination on the basis of racial inequality which has a long history in United States
.Inequalities in the Unites States have singled out elderly people by not helping the older people be apart of today 's society meaning, we do not hire older people after a certain age because we think they are not capable of working. We look at elderly as people to be retired,stay home, and very sickly. Roscigno studies show “some older workers are terminated just before their pensions are set to kick in or increase. This type of firing profoundly affects older workers’ job security, long-term financial well-being and access to health care.”Social inequalities have created this particular

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