
Radical Halogenation and Gas Chromatography

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RADICAL HALOGENATION AND GAS CHROMATOGRAPHY Abstract In radical halogenations lab 1-chlorobutane and 5% sodium hypochlorite solution was mixed in a vial and put through tests to give a product that can then be analyzed using gas chromatography. This experiment was performed to show how a radical hydrogenation reaction works with alkanes. Four isomers were attained and then relative reactivity rate was calculated. 1,1-dichlorobutane had 2.5% per Hydrogen; 1,2-dichlorobutane had 10%; 1,3-dichlorobutane had 23%; and 1,4-dichlorobutane had 9.34% per Hydrogen. Introduction Alkanes are relatively unreactive. There are only a few types of reactions commonly performed. In this lab, halogenation was performed. In the methane molecule, the …show more content…

Only three peaks were identified from the data and four were supposed to appear; 1,4-dichlorobutane was missing on the data. Reading from the handout that was posted online with an example GC run, the fourth peak is not on the graph because the GC was cut off too soon. In the example, the last peak came up around retention time 8.5. According to this data, GC was cut off around retention time 8.0. Another issue is that the second peak, 1,2-dichlorobutane to be precise, is very little. That is it is not even registered in the data. Due to not having the full data, the example GC run is used for this lab report. 1,1-dichlorobutane has 2 - 2̊ H’s. It is expected from mathematical stand point that 16.7% of the product will be it. In reality that was not what happened. After the experiment, according to GC data, 1,1-dichlorobutane had 5% of the product. That is a pretty big difference; it is a lot smaller than expected. It is the first product to show up on the graph, as expected. According to the handout, a major boiling point of 1,1 is at 114̊. The next three are at higher boiling points, and that is how it is known which peak is which product. The relative reactivity rate is 2.5% per Hydrogen. Since there is only two Hydrogens and only 5% for this product, each Hydrogen gets 2.5% chance

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