Both paragraphs will compare or contrast Rapunzel and Tangled. One similarity between the two, is that both are based around a girl named Rapunzel. One difference between the two, is that Rapunzel’s mom is obsessed with a witch’s beans in the story. One similarity between the two, is that both are based around a girl named Rapunzel. The two have more differences than similarities. Most people get tiresome after trying to think of similarities between something, so this article will focus on “Tangled” and “Rapunzel”. First off, both are based around a girl named Rapunzel. In Tangled, a girl named Rapunzel is locked in a tower and forbidden to ever leave which is dumb. I also felt really bad for the both of them. Furthermore, both girls have long hair. In Tangled, Rapunzel lets down her hair for her apparent “witch mom”. The other Rapunzel did the exact same thing for a random witch lady. In depth, both were separated from their parents at birth. In Tangled, there was a witch who stole Rapunzel, who was very innocent. The other Rapunzel was stolen also, but for a different …show more content…
To start off, in the Rapunzel story, Rapunzel’s mom is obsessed with Rapunzel beans. In the story, Rapunzel’s mom likes to eat beans out of a crazy witch’s garden. Rapunzel’s mom did the dumbest thing and gave up her daughter for beans. Next, in the movie, Rapunzel had magical hair. Rapunzel had hair that kept the ugly witch young and healing powers. The story Rapunzel was boring and lame since no power was acquired. So forth, the witch had different reasons for keeping Rapunzel in the movie and story. The story witch kept Rapunzel because Rapunzel’s selfish mom chose the beans over Rapunzel. The movie witch actually became attached to Rapunzel like a good fake mom, but Rapunzel’s hair also kept the witch young. In conclusion, all differences also had similarities beyond
The similarity and connection existing between the two stories is the point of view in the two essays. The stories are both written in the first person perspective and that
Some similarities are, one, the characters are the same. Winnie foster,in the movie and the book still kept her same name, her feelings about wanting to leave. In the book on page 13 it says , “Winnie Foster sat on the bristly grass just outside the fence” showing that her name is the same. Another similarity is, Mae Tuck hits the man in the yellow over the head with the rifle. In the movie it shows Mae Tuck hitting the man in the yellow suit
Since there is a movie and book version of the story, there are both similarities and differences.
The biggest similarity between the book, and the movie is the theme. The theme in both the book, and the
The novel and film have a resemblance like having long hair. The novel and film are the same like how Johnny and Ponyboy still go to the church after the instinct. Like Dally gave the hideout and the money to get the started with going to the church.The wint to DQ and eat lunch because the were hunger. That win Darry showed up to take them to eat.Even no there's similarities there are tons of opposite in the novel and film.
The similarities in each book are many, as most occur in the important events in each story like them getting split from their families. In the beginning, they’re both split from their families, then sent to camps. After they both end up just trying to survive in this new place, then after some time, get sent to another camp. The next camp for
The movie and book have a few similar qualities. One similarity is they both tell/show that Dallas (dally) gets shot down by the police. After Dally robs a store the police shoot him. Another similarity is the little kid bites Pony. When Pony is helping save the little kids from inside the burning church, one kid bites Ponyboy’s finger. With as much as we know the similarities lets move on to the differences.
There are many similarities and differences throughout the book and movie. One similarity was Mae hit the Man in the Yellow Suit in the back of the head with a gun. This was the part in the book where the Man in the Yellow
Despite the differences of the book and movie there is also some similarities. The allision demonstrated between the two was one of the similarities. They both show Hannah traveling in time and waking up back into her original time just like the main character in the Wizard of Oz. The characters Hannah and Schmuel both stay the same. Hannah is the main character in both the movie and the book and Schmuel get married in both. Another thing that they have in common is the conflicts. Hannah goes through man verses society when she is fighting against the Nazis. She has to fight them for food, fight them for survival, and fight them for the safety of her friends. The Nazis are slowly taking away those things from her. She is also goes through man versus self. She knows all of the bad things that are going to happen and no one will believe that she is right, so she starts to second guess herself. She also thinks that they are the monsters so
In both stories Cinderella’s mother died while she was still young, and her father re-married a vile woman with two equally wretched daughters who abused Cinderella. Further similarities include the event held by the King to find a bride for his son, the Prince and Cinderella receiving beautiful clothes and shoes to wear to the festivities. Also, in both stories the prince chose Cinderella without hesitation and her identity was not discovered by other party goers. A slipper was left behind in each story as well, which remained how the prince eventually discovered the mystery princess to be Cinderella so he could take her as his bride after many failed to make the fit.
Byron Howard and Nathan Greno’s Tangled establishes Rapunzel’s parents as the king and queen of the island of Corona, while the Grimm Brothers’ “Rapunzel” introduces Rapunzel’s parents as an average couple who are neighbors of a sorceress with a beautiful and bountiful garden. In both tales, the wife
Similarities and differences are present between nearly anything. For instance, two books can be compared in regards to their themes. Likewise, multiple people can be contrasted in regards to their personality. Similarities and differences can be good and bad and they can also help one to clearly see which of the subjects that are being compared are better than the other. Another example of where two subjects can be compared is in Macbeth and The Social Network, in regards to the characters. One may wonder how such different pieces of work could possibly be compared and contrasted, but after analyzing both pieces, it is clear that such similarities and differences exist. Characters
One similarity that is in both the book and the movie is that Charles Wallace keeps to himself and can read minds. He doesn’t talk to anyone outside the family. The one person that he is closest to would be Meg because she defends and understands him. Another similarity is that in both, the book and the movie, Calvin has compulsions. He feels if he should do something, or go somewhere and the time he should do so. He also feels if something is right or wrong in the process of doing so. In this compulsion he had the feeling of going to Meg and Charles. The last similarity was that in both, the book and the movie, Meg, Charles, Calvin, Mrs. Whatsit, Mrs. Which, and Mrs. Who teaser only to be gone for a few minutes. The three witches made it seem to Meg, Charles, and Calvin that they were gone for a while. But, to
There are many similarities in the book and the movie. One of the Similarities is the allusion “nothing gold can stay” This is significant because this is a poem that ponyboy remembered when he was in the church that was fitting at the time. This poem is saying stay young stay innocent don’t grow up too fast like some of them have had to do. Another allusion that is similar is Gone with the wind. This appeared when Johnny bought a whole bunch of food and things for them when they were in the church. Johnny really wanted to read the book and it meant a lot to him. When he was in the hospital he asked for a copy of the book. The last similarity in the two is that ponyboy is the narrator. It is first person limited and we only get to see how Ponyboy sees the whole situation. We don’t get to see it through any other perspective Both of the book and the movie are set up like this.
Looking at the cover, the tower seems to be tall, but friendlier looking than in Zelinsky's version. Although the story of Rapunzel itself is nearly the same, the illustrations are what easily separate the time periods.