
Rate My Boss Application

Decent Essays

It has been a prevailing tradition from very long time; that a manager or a boss of a company had all right to scale his employees' performance and all this was done at the time, when the bonus or appraisal was given. At that time, the manager had to select the best employee on the basis of his performance. Though, this was a good procedure to appraise one's performance with bonus or any promotion. Nevertheless, later sometime, this activity showed some glimpse of drawback in the form of partiality done by the manager or head. Like, if the manager had some problem with any employee, then he could directly either fire him or demote him, just to take his revenge. Or if, he liked somebody or someone persuaded him with his buttering, then the promotion or bonus was given to that employee rather than to deserving candidate. …show more content…

This application, now enables the employees of any company to give ratings on their head in accordance with some quality statistics, moreover, the other employees of that same company can give their reviews about that rating and their manager. …show more content…

For example; if one employee of the company X is giving some rating to his boss through Rate My Boss application, which may be good or bad, nevertheless, if other employees of the same company X give some reviews over that rating, then the original result could be easily drawn from

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