
Rationale For Selecting Tasks For The New And Revised Subtests Of The Kbit 2

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For a detailed description of the test authors’ rationale for selecting tasks for the new and revised subtests of the KBIT-2, we recommend that interested readers refer to chapter 3 of the Manual. A discussion of results of initial analyses for these items in terms of fairness and validity can be found in chapter 4. In chapter 5, Kaufman and Kaufman examine raw scores for different age groups across the KBIT-2 subtests to confirm a developmental pattern of growth and decline in performance that has been reported in other tests purporting to measure similar constructs (Kaufman & Lichtenberger, 2002). Based on evidence from previous tests, mean raw scores should increase through early adulthood, peak in middle age, and then decline gradually …show more content…

At that point, the raw scores steadily declined across the older age groups. Kaufman and Kaufman note that the peak level for fluid intelligence on the KBIT-2 extends into higher age ranges than peak levels for other tests, suggesting that a causal factor is the nature of Matrices, which is neither timed nor speeded and contains no motor component. Kaufman and Kaufman carried out concurrent validity studies with other cognitive and achievement tests, with the interval between administration of the KBIT-2 and comparison tests not exceeding 7 weeks. Some distributions for individual test comparisons are fairly representative of the four geographic regions, but a few studies (e.g., Wechsler Abbreviated Scale of Intelligence [WASI], Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scales, Third Edition [WAIS-III], and Wide Range Achievement Tests, Third Edition [WRAT3]) specifically lack representation of participants from the West and North Central regions. The authors state that samples for the concurrent validity studies include representative proportions of participants with special education classifications or with clinical diagnoses; however, we could not locate details of the types of classifications or diagnoses in the Manual text or tables. Results of all of the comparison validity studies, including the original and adjusted correlations, are displayed in tables in the

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