
Ravich Case Study

Satisfactory Essays

9. According to Ravitch, are standardized tests an accurate, scientific gauge of academic achievement? Explain?
There is great amount controversy regarding standardized testing and its consequences and usefulness regarding learning among educators. According to Ravitch standardized testing when used correctly can be a useful way for teachers, administrators and parents to gauge the progress of students. However, She also believe the underling problem with standardized testing is that the system is “corrupted” with cheating due to pressure placed on test score results.
10. According to Ravitch, does testing make students smarter? Does it reduce achievement gaps? Explain? The purpose of testing is to gather data and measure students performance over …show more content…

According to Ravitch, what are the problems associated with value-added assessments that were developed by Sanders?
Standers developed a system that measure a student’s performance and ranks teachers based on that performance. Ravitch believed that this system is flawed and unfair to teachers and don’t take into account other variables such as students with disabilities and non english speaking students.
15. According to Ravitch, what are the factors that have the most influence on students’ standardized test scores?
The factors that influence students test scores are economic standing, school quality, curriculum, and access to support such as tutoring and technology.
16. According to Ravitch, what are the consequences of evaluating teachers by the rise and fall of students’ test scores?
There are many consequences to evaluating teachers by the rise and fall of students test score such as low morale, teachers willingness to work with low performing students and schools.

17. How does Ravitch criticize value-added assessments regarding marginalized groups?
Ravitch believes that value-added assessment put students and teachers at a disadvantage since the data does not consider all the variables of

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